Setting up shipping on Shopify Collective

Suppliers can set various shipping rates for different products and retailers. You can set up shipping rates when you create price lists.

Considerations for setting up shipping rates and zones with Shopify Collective

Before you set up your shipping rates, review the following considerations for configuring your shipping rates and zones.

There are three available shipping zones that can be selected per price list:

  • United States
  • Canada
  • International

There are four available shipping rate configurations per zone. Only one can be selected per shipping zone:

  • Calculated at checkout (default)
  • Flat rate
  • Manually invoice retailer
  • Don’t ship to this zone

Review the following configurations for your shipping rates and zones for Shopify Collective Suppliers:

Shipping rates and zone configurations for Shopify Collective Suppliers
Shipping settingDescription
Calculated at checkout A calculated rate is sent and displayed live on the retailer’s checkout based on rules you’ve configured in your shipping profiles. The rate is then displayed to the customer.
For example, the weight of the shipment, the customer's location, or a “free shipping for orders over” price rule can impact the rates that are displayed.
This is the default shipping rate that's applied for all new price lists.
Flat rateA fixed sum flat rate, which is passed to the retailer’s Collective shipping profile when they import the products you’ve shared in a price list.
The retailer’s Collective shipping profile then sends your flat rate from your shipping profile, and displays it to the customer live on the retailer’s checkout.
Doesn’t vary according to the product’s weight, the customer’s location, or other rules you’ve configured.
Manually invoice retailerIf calculated rates or flat rates aren’t suitable for your business, then you can manually invoice outside of Collective. Suppliers and retailers should be aware that because Collective can’t associate a shipping rate with manual invoicing, the retailer's checkout will display $0 Free Shipping to customers by default when the associated products are in the customer's cart.
Retailers should consider moving these products into a custom shipping profile, which would allow them to pass on custom rates to customers at checkout to cover your shipping costs. Be sure to agree with your retailer which manual payment method you'll use outside of Shopify Collective, and on what terms.
Don’t ship to this zoneYou don’t ship products included in the price list to this zone.
A customer located in a no–ship zone is displayed a message on the retailer’s checkout advising that shipping isn’t available to their address.

Set up shipping rates and zones with Shopify Collective

Set shipping rate types for orders that you ship to in your active zones.

Rates and zone configurations apply to all products included on a price list, and to all retailers assigned to that price list.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings > Apps and sales channels.
  2. From the Apps and sales channels page, click Collective (Supplier).
  3. Click Open sales channel.

  4. From the Collective (Supplier) sales channel, click Price lists, then Create price list.

  5. In the Shipping section, select a shipping rate type for each zone:

    • Calculated at checkout for a calculated rate based on your shipping profile rules is displayed live at the retailer's checkout.
    • Flat rate for a fixed sum rate.
    • Manually invoice for when calculated or flat rates aren't suitable, you can manually invoice outside of Collective.
    • Doesn’t ship to a zone for when you don't ship price list products to this zone.
  6. Click Save.

Retailer checkout experience

Rates will combine at checkout according to the retailer’s shipping profile configurations.

The number of shipments and shipping costs for checkouts containing items from multiple brands depend on whether the retailer has split shipping in checkout activated. If split shipping in checkout is activated, then fulfillment is divided by supplier into multiple shipments. Otherwise, all shipping charges are combined into a single shipping rate.

Managing shipping rate conflicts

To help suppliers manage multiple price lists shared with multiple retailers, Collective will mitigate shipping rate conflicts by favoring calculated at checkout rates over flat rates.

When a product is added to multiple price lists, if Calculated at checkout is specified on any one of those lists, then Collective will always display the calculated rate to the retailer in their app, and to the customer at checkout.

Where a single product contains different flat shipping rates across different price lists, Collective will always display the highest-cost flat rate to both the retailer in their app, and to the customer at checkout.

If automatic payments are off between you and your retailer

If you turned off automatic payments in Shopify Collective, or if your retailer isn’t eligible to use automatic payments, then you can still select and configure any of the available shipping rate methods.

It’s your responsibility to agree with each retailer which manual payment method they should use to pay you, and on what terms, because you won’t be paid automatically. This applies both to product costs and to shipping costs. For example, you can manage payments by sending an invoice, or by requesting a direct bank transfer.

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