Creating Advanced Cash on Delivery Shipping Rates

To offer cash on delivery as a payment option, you can create advanced cash on delivery shipping rates using the Advanced Cash on Delivery app. These rates allow you to charge customers an additional amount that includes both the shipping cost and a cash on delivery fee. By creating multiple cash on delivery shipping rates, you can customize the fees based on different shipping methods or order types. For example, you might want to charge a higher cash on delivery fee for expedited shipping.

Create Advanced Cash on Delivery shipping rates

Before creating cash on delivery shipping rates, ensure that the This is a physical product option is selected for all your products. This ensures that the shipping rates will be displayed in your store's checkout flow.

It's a good practice to create rates in the Advanced Cash on Delivery app that correspond to the shipping rates you have already set up in your Shopify admin's Shipping settings. To help you maintain consistency and track your rates, consider using a naming convention. For example, if you have an Expedited shipping rate, then you can create an Expedited Shipping + Cash on Delivery shipping rate in the app.

To add a cash on delivery fee, enter a combined fee that includes shipping and the cash on delivery fee. For example, if you already have an expedited shipping rate of Rs. 30.00, and you want to add a cash on delivery fee of Rs. 10.00, then you can create an "Expedited Shipping + Cash on Delivery" rate of Rs. 40.00.


  1. Open the Advanced Cash on Delivery app.
  2. In the Cash on Delivery shipping rates section, select Create new Cash on Delivery shipping rates, and then click Add rate.
  3. Enter a name for the rate in the Name field.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description of this cash on delivery shipping rate.
  5. If you want to base the shipping rate on price, then select Price based in the Range section and enter the minimum and maximum order prices in the fields provided.
  6. If you want to base the shipping rate on weight, then select Weight based in the Range section and enter the minimum and maximum order weights in the fields provided.
  7. In the Rate amount field, enter the rate you want to charge for this cash on delivery shipping rate. This includes both the shipping rate and the additional cash on delivery fee you want to charge.
  8. Click Save.
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