Filtering orders by protection status

On this page, you can learn how to filter your orders based on their Shopify Protect status. By using the Shopify Protect status filter, you can quickly identify orders that are eligible for protection, orders that are already protected, and orders that aren't protected.

After an order is placed in your store, it undergoes a review process to determine whether it's eligible for Shopify Protect. If an order is eligible, then a Shopify Protect section is displayed on the order page, indicating the status of the order.

Overview of different Shopify Protect order statuses

Shopify Protect order status.
Order statusDefinition
Shopify ProtectThis status indicates that Shopify Protect is available for the order. To ensure protection, you need to fulfill the order within 7 days of it being placed, add tracking information, and have the order in the possession of the carrier within 10 days of it being placed.
Protected by Shopify ProtectThis status indicates that the order was fulfilled and transferred to the carrier within the specified timeframe. If there's a chargeback on the order, then fraudulent and unrecognized chargebacks are addressed with Shopify Protect.
Not protected by Shopify ProtectThis status indicates that the order wasn't fulfilled within the specified timeframe or that a chargeback has been filed on the order for a reason other than fraudulent or unrecognized. Chargebacks on the order are addressed through the typical process.

If an order is ineligible for Shopify Protect, then the order page will display risk analysis instead of a Shopify Protect status. You can use filters on the Orders page to find orders based on their Shopify Protect status.

Filter orders by protection status

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Orders.
  2. Click Filter.
  3. Click Shopify Protect.
  4. Click the status that you want to filter by:
    • Protection active: This filter displays orders that are eligible for Shopify Protect.
    • Protected: This filter displays orders that are already protected by Shopify Protect.
    • Not protected: This filter displays orders that aren't protected by Shopify Protect.

You can also combine the Shopify Protect status filter with other filters, such as Fulfillment status, to create custom searches and streamline your order fulfillment process.

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