PayPal Wallet for France

When you create your Shopify store and set up Shopify Payments for France, you automatically receive a PayPal Wallet account. By using PayPal Wallet, you can manage your PayPal transactions through your Shopify admin.

To use PayPal Wallet, you need to use Shopify Checkout. If you’re on the Shopify Plus plan, then you need to use Checkout Extensibility.

Key benefits and features of PayPal Wallet

The following are some of the key features of using PayPal Wallet:

  • All PayPal settings and transactions, including disputes and refunds, can be managed within the Shopify admin.
  • Payouts are bundled and settled into your preferred bank account.
  • PayPal card transactions and PayPal Wallet transactions are paid out in a single payout.
  • PayPal Wallet supports new subscriptions and recurring payments.

PayPal Wallet in France

PayPal Wallet is directly connected to Shopify Payments and acts as a payment method within Shopify Payments, making it easier to manage your transactions.

If your business is based in France and you use Shopify Payments, then you can offer PayPal through the PayPal Wallet integration. If you're using third-party gateways such as Adyen, Braintree, or Stripe, then you can continue offering PayPal Express Checkout in addition to those integrations.

For more information on PayPal, refer to the legal agreements for PayPal services that apply to merchants in France.

Ineligible or incompatible features for using PayPal Wallet

PayPal Wallet brings many advantages, but there are some features you can't use with it:

  • PayPal Express: This option isn't available in the Additional payment methods section of the Payments settings when Shopify Payments is activated. With Shopify Payments active, PayPal can only be integrated through the Shopify Payments Wallet.
  • Shopify Checkout: To use PayPal Wallet, you must use Shopify Checkout. If you’re on the Shopify Plus plan, then Checkout Extensibility is required.
  • Refunds: Only full refunds without returns are supported.
  • Appeals: Decisions made regarding disputes can't be appealed.

Managing PayPal Wallet transaction disputes

When a customer reports an issue in the PayPal Resolution Center, it starts the inquiry stage. You have 20 days to resolve the issue directly with the customer without any involvement from PayPal, and no fees or funds are withdrawn from your account.


  1. Communicate through Shopify admin: All communication with customers should happen in your Shopify admin.
  2. Resolution options:
    • Issue a full refund: If you find the customer’s claim valid, then you can issue a full refund to close the inquiry.
    • Discuss and persuade: If you believe the purchase doesn't warrant further action, then discuss this with the customer. If they agree, then they can close the inquiry or let it expire after 20 days.
  3. Monitor for escalation: Customers can escalate the inquiry to a claim at any time within the 20 days, shifting the resolution process to PayPal, similar to chargebacks and inquiries procedures.
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