Frequently asked questions about Shopify Email

How much does using Shopify Email cost?

All merchants with Basic, Shopify, Advanced Shopify, and Shopify Plus plans have 10,000 free emails to send at the beginning of every month. Email cost is calculated using the following rules:

  • Emails are counted based on each individual email address that an email activity is sent to. For example, sending 1 promotional email to 800 subscribers counts as 800 emails.
  • Unused emails don’t carry over to the following month.
  • You can send additional emails beyond the 10,000 free emails at a cost of $1 USD per 1,000 additional emails up to 300,000 emails. After you reach 300,000 emails, your pricing is $0.65 USD per 1,000 additional emails. After you reach 750,000 emails, your pricing is $0.55 USD per 1,000 additional emails. You aren’t billed for the additional emails until the cost reaches $0.005 USD.
  • Shopify Email is available on Basic, Shopify, Advanced Shopify, and Shopify Plus plans, and you're charged only for the emails that you send.

For more information, refer to Shopify Email cost.

How do I customize my email? Can I add sections?

Yes, any template in Shopify Email allows you to add, move, and edit sections of content. Learn more about creating Shopify Email campaigns.

How do I know if my email was successful?

After your email has been delivered, review the email activity report, which displays key performance indicators such as open rate and clicks. The report also displays how many unsubscribes or spam complaints were triggered by an individual email, to help you improve your emails over time.

To access your activity report, go to the Marketing section in your Shopify admin, then find the campaign your email was part of. Click View activity report next to the email you want to review. The report data might take up to a few hours to update.

What content does Shopify gather about my subscribers?

Shopify tracks open rates and clicks, as well as unsubscribes and spam complaints. If you want to turn off the open tracking for your subscribers, then you can do so in the Settings section of your Shopify admin, on the Notifications page.

Will customers be able to view who else is getting the email?

No, all other recipient email addresses are hidden.

What should I do if my Shopify Email has stopped sending?

Contact Shopify Support to troubleshoot the issue.

Why didn’t everyone receive the email that I sent out?

There could be an issue with your subscriber's email provider or the email might have been filtered as spam and your subscriber didn’t realize it. Other possible factors include that your open rate was too low, or the bounce rate, the "marked as spam" rate, and unsubscribe rates were too high for this email campaign. Due to various factors out of Shopify's control, there's no guarantee that all customers will receive your emails.

Not all my subscribers were emailed at the same time. Should I resend the email?

No. If your email list has over 1,000 subscribers, then emails might take some time to reach your entire subscriber list due to a process called batching. Shopify Email automatically sends out emails in batches to help avoid spam filters and improve delivery rates. The amount of time it takes for your emails to send varies by online store, based on factors such as delivery rates, bounce rates, and how engaged your subscribers are. Other possible contributing factors include how often your emails are bounced from inboxes, or manually reported as spam.

Emails sent to large subscriber lists can take up to four hours to send completely.

Can I just buy a list of email addresses?

Buying a list of email addresses and adding them to your subscriber list is prohibited by the Shopify Terms of Service, and it can damage your reputation and have a negative impact on your email deliverability.

When you email people from a list of unsolicited email addresses, you increase the chance of the following risks:

  • decreasing your email message open rate
  • increasing email message complaint rates
  • increasing blocks for sending to invalid addresses
  • sending email messages to a spam email message monitoring account, sometimes called a spam trap
  • email messages being flagged as spam

Providing an email sign-up in your online store, at checkout, on the POS, and at in-person events such as markets or pop-up shops ensures more highly engaged subscribers.

You can activate double opt-in to help confirm whether the email address is owned by a real user. Activating double opt-in is a best practice, and is required by law in some countries.

What happens when subscribers unsubscribe from my mailing list?

If a subscriber clicks the Unsubscribe link from the email that they receive, then they’ll be redirected to your storefront, which displays a message informing them that they were successful. If a subscriber marks an email from you as spam, then they're also removed from your subscriber list. Any email address that bounces back is also suppressed from all further email sends.

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