Device View

Device View

Device View is a web dashboard in your Shopify admin to monitor POS Go devices across locations.


To use Device View, you need to meet the following requirements:

Using Device View

From your Shopify admin, go to Point of Sale > Devices to access Device View.

Device List

The device list is the main dashboard of Device View, and contains all of the key information about all POS Go devices.

Device information and descriptions
Device nameConfigurable device name. A user-friendly, modifiable handle.
StatusCommunicates whether the device sent an update in the last 10 minutes. Status is set to Offline after the device misses two 5-minute update cycles.
Last check-inDate of last received update. An exact date can be found on the device details page.
LocationLocation in which the device operates, set on the device during setup process.
Wi-fi NetworkSSID (Name) of the Wi-Fi network the device is connected to.

Search and filter the device list

You can search for a specific device by entering a device name or serial number into the search field. In addition, you can filter the device list by status (for example, Online), by Location, or both.

The example below is filtering the device list to display only the devices that are both Online and located in a specific Location.

View device details

All devices have additional information available by selecting a specific device row in device list.

Device info

Detailed breakdown of information sent from the POS Go device.

Device information and descriptions
Logged in accountEmail address used for login of POS App.
Current userFirst and last name of staff who last used the device, determined by last submitted staff PIN.
Serial numberDevice serial number.
Model numberDevice model number.
BatteryLast known device battery level.
Power sourceIndicates whether the source of power is Battery, or Wired with a charging device.
Wifi networkSSID (Name) of the Wi-Fi network the device is connected to.
LocationLocation in which device operates, set on the device during setup process.
PrinterPhysical Address and model of printer connected to POS Go device.

Device version

Breakdown of app and firmware versions running on the POS Go device.

Device information and descriptions
BrowserApp version and build.
Customer ViewApp version and build.
File VaultApp version and build.
LauncherApp version and build.
SettingsApp version and build.
POSApp version and build.
ROMRead only memory version.
FirmwareFirmware version.

Remotely log out of POS Go

You can remotely log out lost, stolen, or unused POS Go devices.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Point of Sale > Devices.
  2. Search and filter the device list for your POS Go, and then click on the device name.
  3. Click Log out from store.
  4. In the dialog box, click Log out.
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