Order created

The Order created trigger starts a workflow when an order is placed by a customer, or when a draft order is marked as paid and converted to an order.

Data provided

The following data is provided to workflows that start with the Order created trigger.

Data that is provided to workflows with the trigger.
orderThe order that was created. Allows accessing data on the GraphQL Admin API Order object

Testing the trigger

To test an active workflow that starts with this trigger, you can:


This trigger provides an order, so it enables you to use any action that requires an order, including:

Orders allow you to access other data like the customer, so it can be used with customer actions. These include:

Orders also contain lists of data like line items. Using a For each action, you can loop through these lists and perform actions on each item. For example, you can loop through the line items and add a tag to each product.


Example of a workflow that updates a customer note when an order is created

In this example workflow, a customer note is updated when that customer creates a new order.


Add an order tag when placed by a member in a certain Segment

When an order is created, check if member is in a segment and then add an order tag. Uses "Look up customer in segment" action. View template

Add customer tags for all ordered product tags

When an order is created, adds customers tags for all of the product tags related to the line items in the order. View template

Add data (handle) from each product in an order as an order tag

Loops over lineItems in an order to add a tag for each product. View template

Add international orders to a spreadsheet

Add a row to a Google Sheet for every new international order. View template

Add line items to Google Sheets rows when a new order is placed

When a new order is created, a For Each step in a workflow loops over each line item to add the product data to a Google Sheet row. View template

Cancel and tag orders from known bad email addresses

Automatically cancel orders that use an email address used for past fraudulent orders. This can be easy for fraudulent customers to workaround, but can help interrupt automated fraud. View template

Cancel orders for customers who frequently return items

Cancel orders for customers that have returned products 5 times or more in the last 6 months. View template

Cancel orders if customer placed more than 5 orders today

When an order is created, check how many orders the customer placed in the last day and cancel the orders if it's over a certain amount. Uses the Get order data, For each, and Count actions. View template

Check if an order contains a gift card

Check if any of the products in an order are a Shopify gift card. View template

Check if order was paid using gift card

Check if one of the payment gateways used on an order was a Gift Card. View template

Check product metafield values on an order

Check product metafields on line items in an order. View template

Edit and add free gift to orders over $100

Edit and add a free gift to an order with Edit Order for orders over a specified amount. View template

Edit and add free product to an order based on discount code

Edit and add a free product to an order if a specific discount code is used. View template

Get notified about irregularly large order quantities

Receive an email notification when an order is placed over a set item quantity threshold. View template

Get notified about large discounts on new orders

Receive an email when an irregularly large discount is applied to an order. View template

Get notified about orders from specific domain

Receive an email when an order is placed from a specific email domain. View template

Get notified when specific discount code is used

Receive an email when a specific discount code is used on an order. View template

Hold fulfillments if a customer placed multiple orders in 24 hours

Check to see if a customer has placed multiple orders within a 24 hour period. If true, hold the fulfillments and consolidate shipping. View template

Hold order and add order tag when a customer has a certain tag

When a new order comes in, check for a customer tag like high risk or suspicious. If it's there, hold the order and add a "high risk" tag. View template

Hold orders if customer placed more than 1 order in last 24 hours

When an order is created, check if customer placed any other orders in the last 24 hours. If so, place all orders on hold. View template

Issue gift card to customer after 3rd order

Issue and email a gift card to a customer after their 3rd order with Rise.ai. View template

Notify your customer service team if a chargeback has been submitted within 7 days

This workflow waits until 7 days after an order is created to see if a chargeback is in progress. If so, it sends an email to notify your customer service team. Note that if a chargeback occurs after 7 days, this approach will not work. View template

Organize customers by lifetime spend tiers

Add customer tags based on lifetime spend tiers for targeted loyalty and marketing communications. View template

Organize customers by order count tiers

Add customer tags based on order count tiers for targeted loyalty and marketing communications. View template

Personalize store experience for VIP customers

Add customer to a Nosto personalization segment when they spend over a certain threshold. View template

Post-purchase thank you

Send distinct thank-you emails to customers after their first and second purchases. View template

Remove all order tags when order is created

Cleanup tags by removing all of them on an order. The same idea can be used for other tagging actions. View template

Reward loyalty points and notify customers when deliveries are delayed

Reward loyalty points in Yotpo and notify customers via SMSBump when deliveries are delayed. View template

Reward loyalty points and tag customers who add a tip

Add loyalty points via LoyaltyLion and tag customers who add a tip to their order. View template

Reward loyalty points to repeat customers

Reward loyalty points in Marsello to customers who've placed 3 or more orders. View template

Segment customers by purchase behavior

Tag customers by their buying preferences for personalization and targeted marketing purposes. View template

Send B2B order invoice to multiple email addresses

Send invoices for B2B orders to multiple email addresses. This will use the email addresses saved as Metafields in a company location, if they exist, or this will first create three Metafields: extra_invoice_recipient.email1, .email2, .email3. View template

Send Order and Line Items to Google Sheets

Output each Order Line Item to a row in Google Sheets using the For Each action. View template

Send a notification when a purchase is completed

Send a Line notification when a purchase is completed. View template

Send a thank you message and tag customers who add a tip

Send an SMSBump notification and tag customers who add a tip to their order. View template

Send browser push notification after customer's 2nd order

Send a browser push notification to a PushOwl subscriber after their 2nd order to encourage further repeat purchases. View template

Send handwritten note after customer places second order

Send a handwritten note via direct mail with Scribeless after a customer places their second order. View template

Send internal email when a B2B order is placed

Send an internal email with details of orders placed by a B2B company. View template

Send notification when a customer orders multiple variants of a product

Receive an email notification when a customer orders multiple variants of the same product. View template

Send notification when order contains a bundle

This workflow begins when an order is created and checks if any of the products in the order were purchased as part of a bundle. If found an internal email is sent with the bundle details. Additionally you can use this workflow as a starting point for any use case that needs to detect the presence of a bundle within an order. View template

Tag B2B Orders

Add a tag on B2B orders when they’re created. The tag can be customized. View template

Tag a customer's first order

Add a tag to a customer's first order. View template

Tag all customers with their point of sale location

When a customer purchase is recorded through the Point of Sale (POS) app, adds a tag with the location name. This can be useful for targeting marketing campaigns. View template

Tag and track conversion of customers who order samples

Segment customers that ordered a sample and track if they converted into a full-priced purchaser at a later date. View template

Tag customer and order when created from draft order

When a new order is created, if the order came from the app named Draft Orders, adds a draft tag to the order and the customer. View template

Tag customers and award loyalty points to customers who pay with installments

Tag customers and award loyalty points in Swell to customers who pay via Shop Pay Installments. View template

Tag customers by preferred currency

Tag customers with the payment currency code used on every new order. View template

Tag customers that have purchased in-person

Add a tag to customers that have made an order in person with Shopify POS. View template

Tag customers with retail locations they've purchased from

Add the name of every retail location a customer has purchased from as a customer tag for easy segmentation. View template

Tag first-time customers with their point of sale location

When a first-time customer purchase is recorded through the Point of Sale (POS) app, adds a tag with the location name. This can be useful for targeting marketing campaigns. View template

Tag orders by currency

Tag new orders with the payment currency code used by the customer. View template

Tag orders by payment gateway

Tags new Orders if they come from the specified Payment Gateway. This workflow runs when an order is created. It uses a condition to check the specified payment gateway. If it matches, the workflow will then add the tag(s) to the order. View template

Tag orders by sales channel

Tag new orders with the sales channel name it came from. View template

Tag orders by their shipping method

Tag every order based on the shipping method that was selected. View template

Tag orders created in Admin or through online store

When an order is created, checks if the Order originated from the "Online Store" or "Draft Orders" app. If so, tags the orders. Note - orders duplicated from another source will appear to originate from the original order's app. View template

Tag orders created on Point of Sale (POS)

Learn how to check if an order was created via a Point of Sale app. View template

Tag orders that include products with specific product tags

Want to know when an order contains certain types of products? With this automation, you can tag orders based on the tags present on each line item's product. View template

Tag orders that include specific products

Add a custom tag to orders that include a specific product in any of the order line items. View template

Tag orders that received free shipping

Tag new orders that were eligible for free shipping during checkout. View template

Tag orders that used a specific shipping method

Add a custom tag to orders that used a specific shipping method name. View template

Tag orders where the first visit landing page includes a certain URL path

Adds order tags when an order is created and the customer's landing page URL includes a certain string ("fr"). The automation makes use of the Wait step to give time for the firstVisit data to be available. View template

Tag orders with associated UTM campaign

Adds tags to orders that contain the names of any associated UTM campaigns. View template

Text a discount code after 2nd order

Send a text message with SMSBump after a customer has placed 2 orders. View template

Track and send a message if an order isn't shipped within 2 days

Track an order in Google sheets and send a Slack message if it isn't shipped within 2 days. View template

Track customers without accounts in a spreadsheet

Add customers who haven’t created store accounts to a Google Sheet. View template

Track final sale purchases

Identify final sale items via product tag, and track final sale purchases in a spreadsheet. View template

Track high value customers in loyalty program

Send an activity to Smile when a customer places their 3rd order. View template

Track pre order purchases and kick off email marketing campaigns

Track pre order purchases in a spreadsheet and kick off an email marketing campaign in Klaviyo. View template

Track special orders based on powerful conditions

Track, tag and send an email when special orders are placed. View template

Track specific product purchases in loyalty program

Send an activity to Smile when a customer purchases a specific product. View template

Use tags to segment customers based on their orders for last 6 months

When a new order is created, get the customer's order total and order count for the last 6 months, and then add tags to the customer. Makes use of Get order data, Count, Sum. View template

Using customAttributes (aka line item properties) in conditions and actions

Check properties / custom attributes in your conditions and use them in tags and order notes. View template

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