Kargo ücreti komut dosyası örnekleri
Kargo komut dosyaları, kargo ücretleriyle etkileşime girer ve bir ücretin başlığını, görünürlüğünü, gösterim sırasını ve fiyatını değiştirebilir. Bu komut dosyaları, müşterinizin ödeme işleminde kargo seçenekleri sayfasına her eriştiğinde çalıştırılır.
Abonelik indirimi sağlayan kargo komut dosyaları yalnızca aboneliğin ilk ödemesinde uygulanır. Bu komut dosyası sonraki ödemeler için indirim sağlamaz.
Plan gerekliliği
Shopify Komut Dosyaları ve Script Editor uygulaması, yalnızca Shopify Plus planındaki mağazalar tarafından kullanılabilir. Script Editor uygulaması, artık Shopify App Store'dan indirilemeyecektir.
Shopify Komut Dosyaları, 28 Ağustos 2025'te kaldırılacak ve bu tarihten sonra çalışmayacaktır. Mevcut Komut Dosyalarınızı bu tarihten önce Shopify Functions 'a taşıyın.
Bu sayfadaki şablon kullanmak için boş şablon içeren yeni bir komut dosyası oluşturun.
Shopify yöneticinizden Uygulamalar > Script Editor seçeneğine gidin.
Komut dosyası oluştur 'a tıklayın.
Kargo ücretleri 'ne tıklayın.
Boş şablon 'u ve ardından Komut dosyası oluştur 'u seçin.
Ruby kaynak kodu bölümünden varsayılan kod satırını silin: Output.cart = Input.cart
Bu sayfadan bir komut dosyası kopyalayın ve Ruby kaynak kodu bölümüne yapıştırın.
Mağazanızda çalışması için komut dosyasının Özelleştirilebilir Ayarlar bölümünü düzenleyin.
Komut dosyanızı test edin. Daha fazla bilgi için Shopify Komut Dosyalarını test etme ve dosyalarda hata ayıklama bölümüne bakın.
Test işleminden sonra:
Komut dosyasının yayınlanmamış taslağını kaydetmek için Taslağı kaydet 'e tıklayın veya
Komut dosyasını oluşturmak ve yayınlamak için Kaydet ve yayınla 'ya tıklayın.
Belirli iller ve ülkelere yönelik ücret adlarına mesaj ekleme Kargo adresinin il ve ülkesine göre kargo ücretlerine mesaj eklemek için bu komut dosyasını kullanın.
Örneğin Britanya Kolumbiyası ve Ontario (Kanada) ile Washington ve New York (ABD) kargo ücretlerine bildirici bir mesaj ekleyin Due to COVID-19 disruptions, shipping might take longer than normal.
Not: province
ve province_code
kullanımı ile country
ve country_code
kullanımı, bölgenin eş değerine özeldir (ör. il/eyalet/bölge veya ülke/bölge).
# ================================ Customizable Settings ================================
# ================================================================
# Add Message to Rate Names for Province or Country
# If the cart's shipping address province/country matches
# the entered settings, all shipping rates will have the
# entered message appended to their name.
# - 'country_code' is a 2-character abbreviation for the
# applicable country
# - 'province_code_match_type' determines whether we look for
# provinces that do, or don't, match the entered options, or
# all provinces. Can be:
# - ':include' to look for provinces that DO match
# - ':exclude' to look for provinces that DO NOT match
# - ':all' to look for all provinces
# - 'province_codes' is a list of 2-character abbreviations for
# the applicable provinces
# - 'message' is the message to append to rate names
# ================================================================
country_code: "CA" ,
province_code_match_type: :include ,
province_codes: [ "BC" , "ON" ],
message: "Due to COVID-19 disruptions, shipping might take longer than normal."
country_code: "US" ,
province_code_match_type: :include ,
province_codes: [ "NY" , "WA" ],
message: "Due to COVID-19 disruptions, shipping might take longer than normal."
# ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ===============================
# ================================================================
# ProvinceSelector
# Finds whether the supplied province code matches the entered
# strings.
# ================================================================
class ProvinceSelector
def initialize ( match_type , provinces )
@match_type = match_type
@provinces = provinces . map { | province | province . upcase . strip }
def match? ( province_code )
if @match_type == :all
( @match_type == :include ) == @provinces . any? { | province | province_code . upcase . strip == province }
# ================================================================
# AddMessageToRateForProvinceCountryCampaign
# If the cart's shipping address country/province matches the
# entered settings, all shipping rates will have the entered
# message appended to their name
# ================================================================
class AddMessageToRateForProvinceCountryCampaign
def initialize ( campaigns )
@campaigns = campaigns
def run ( cart , shipping_rates )
return if cart . shipping_address . nil?
address = cart . shipping_address
@campaigns . each do | campaign |
next unless address . country_code . upcase . strip == campaign [ :country_code ]. upcase . strip
province_selector = ProvinceSelector . new ( campaign [ :province_code_match_type ], campaign [ :province_codes ])
next unless province_selector . match? ( address . province_code )
shipping_rates . each do | shipping_rate |
rate_name = shipping_rate . name + ' - ' + campaign [ :message ]
shipping_rate . change_name ( rate_name )
AddMessageToRateForProvinceCountryCampaign . new ( RATE_MESSAGE_FOR_PROVINCE_COUNTRY ),
CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign |
campaign . run ( Input . cart , Input . shipping_rates )
Output . shipping_rates = Input . shipping_rates
Belirli bir posta kodu, il ve ülke için ücretleri gösterme Belirli bir konumdaki müşterilere yalnızca belirli kargo ücretlerini göstermek için bu komut dosyasını kullanın.
Örneğin Kaliforniya'nın 90210 posta kodlu bölgesindeki müşterilere yalnızca belirli bir kargo ücreti gösterin. Diğer tüm konumlar için ücret gizlenir.
Not: zip_code
, province
ve province_code
kullanımı ile country
ve country_code
kullanımı, bölgenin eş değerine özeldir (ör. posta kodu, il/eyalet/bölge veya ülke/bölge).
# ================================ Customizable Settings ================================
# ================================================================
# Show Rate(s) for Zip/Province/Country
# If the cart's shipping address country/province/zip match the
# entered settings, the entered rate(s) are shown, and all other
# rates are hidden. Otherwise, the entered rate(s) are hidden.
# - 'country_code' is a 2-character abbreviation for the
# applicable country
# - 'province_code' is a list of 2-character abbreviations for
# the applicable province(s)
# - 'zip_code_match_type' determines whether the below strings
# should be an exact or partial match. Can be:
# - ':exact' for an exact match
# - ':partial' for a partial match
# - 'zip_codes' is a list of strings to identify zip codes
# - 'rate_match_type' determines whether the below strings
# should be an exact or partial match. Can be:
# - ':exact' for an exact match
# - ':partial' for a partial match
# - ':all' for all rates
# - 'rate_names' is a list of strings to identify rates
# - if using ':all' above, this can be set to 'nil'
# ================================================================
country_code: "US" ,
province_code: "CA" ,
zip_code_match_type: :exact ,
zip_codes: [ "90210" ],
rate_match_type: :exact ,
rate_names: [ "Shipping Rate" ],
# ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ================================
# ================================================================
# ZipCodeSelector
# Finds whether the supplied zip code matches any of the entered
# strings.
# ================================================================
class ZipCodeSelector
def initialize ( match_type , zip_codes )
@comparator = match_type == :exact ? '==' : 'include?'
@zip_codes = zip_codes . map { | zip_code | zip_code . upcase . strip }
def match? ( zip_code )
@zip_codes . any? { | zip | zip_code . to_s . upcase . strip . send ( @comparator , zip ) }
# ================================================================
# RateNameSelector
# Finds whether the supplied rate name matches any of the entered
# names.
# ================================================================
class RateNameSelector
def initialize ( match_type , rate_names )
@match_type = match_type
@comparator = match_type == :exact ? '==' : 'include?'
@rate_names = rate_names & . map { | rate_name | rate_name . downcase . strip }
def match? ( shipping_rate )
if @match_type == :all
@rate_names . any? { | name | shipping_rate . name . downcase . send ( @comparator , name ) }
# ================================================================
# ShowRatesForZipProvinceCountryCampaign
# If the cart's shipping address zip/province/country match the
# entered settings, the entered rate(s) are shown, and all other
# rates are hidden. Otherwise, the entered rate(s) are hidden.
# ================================================================
class ShowRatesForZipProvinceCountryCampaign
def initialize ( campaigns )
@campaigns = campaigns
def run ( cart , shipping_rates )
address = cart . shipping_address
@campaigns . each do | campaign |
zip_code_selector = ZipCodeSelector . new ( campaign [ :zip_code_match_type ], campaign [ :zip_codes ])
rate_name_selector = RateNameSelector . new ( campaign [ :rate_match_type ], campaign [ :rate_names ])
if address . nil?
full_match = false
country_match = address . country_code . upcase . strip == campaign [ :country_code ]. upcase . strip
province_match = address . province_code . upcase . strip == campaign [ :province_code ]. upcase . strip
zip_match = zip_code_selector . match? ( address . zip )
full_match = country_match && province_match && zip_match
shipping_rates . delete_if do | shipping_rate |
rate_name_selector . match? ( shipping_rate ) != full_match
ShowRatesForZipProvinceCountryCampaign . new ( SHOW_RATES_FOR_ZIP_PROVINCE_COUNTRY ),
CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign |
campaign . run ( Input . cart , Input . shipping_rates )
Output . shipping_rates = Input . shipping_rates
Belirli bir posta kodu, il ve ülke için ücretleri gizleme Belirli bir konumdaki müşterilerden seçili ücretleri gizlemek için bu komut dosyasını kullanın.
Örneğin Kaliforniya'daki 90210 posta kodlu bölgede bulunan müşterilerden belirli bir kargo ücretini gizleyin.
Not: zip_code
, province
ve province_code
kullanımı ile country
ve country_code
kullanımı, bölgenin eş değerine özeldir (ör. posta kodu, il/eyalet/bölge veya ülke/bölge).
# ================================ Customizable Settings ================================
# ================================================================
# Hide Rate(s) for Zip/Province/Country
# If the cart's shipping address country/province/zip match the
# entered settings, the entered rate(s) are hidden.
# - 'country_code' is a 2-character abbreviation for the
# applicable country or region
# - 'province_code' is a list of 2-character abbreviations for
# the applicable provinces or states
# - 'zip_code_match_type' determines whether the below strings
# should be an exact or partial match. Can be:
# - ':exact' for an exact match
# - ':partial' for a partial match
# - 'zip_codes' is a list of strings to identify zip codes
# - 'rate_match_type' determines whether the below strings
# should be an exact or partial match. Can be:
# - ':exact' for an exact match
# - ':partial' for a partial match
# - ':all' for all rates
# - 'rate_names' is a list of strings to identify rates
# - if using ':all' above, this can be set to 'nil'
# ================================================================
country_code: "US" ,
province_code: "CA" ,
zip_code_match_type: :exact ,
zip_codes: [ "90210" ],
rate_match_type: :exact ,
rate_names: [ "Shipping Rate" ],
# ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ================================
# ================================================================
# ZipCodeSelector
# Finds whether the supplied zip code matches any of the entered
# strings.
# ================================================================
class ZipCodeSelector
def initialize ( match_type , zip_codes )
@comparator = match_type == :exact ? '==' : 'include?'
@zip_codes = zip_codes . map { | zip_code | zip_code . upcase . strip }
def match? ( zip_code )
@zip_codes . any? { | zip | zip_code . to_s . upcase . strip . send ( @comparator , zip ) }
# ================================================================
# RateNameSelector
# Finds whether the supplied rate name matches any of the entered
# names.
# ================================================================
class RateNameSelector
def initialize ( match_type , rate_names )
@match_type = match_type
@comparator = match_type == :exact ? '==' : 'include?'
@rate_names = rate_names & . map { | rate_name | rate_name . downcase . strip }
def match? ( shipping_rate )
if @match_type == :all
@rate_names . any? { | name | shipping_rate . name . downcase . send ( @comparator , name ) }
# ================================================================
# HideRatesForZipProvinceCountryCampaign
# If the cart's shipping address zip/province/country match the
# entered settings, the entered rate(s) are hidden.
# ================================================================
class HideRatesForZipProvinceCountryCampaign
def initialize ( campaigns )
@campaigns = campaigns
def run ( cart , shipping_rates )
address = cart . shipping_address
return if address . nil?
@campaigns . each do | campaign |
zip_code_selector = ZipCodeSelector . new ( campaign [ :zip_code_match_type ], campaign [ :zip_codes ])
country_match = address . country_code . upcase . strip == campaign [ :country_code ]. upcase . strip
province_match = address . province_code . upcase . strip == campaign [ :province_code ]. upcase . strip
zip_match = zip_code_selector . match? ( address . zip )
next unless country_match && province_match && zip_match
rate_name_selector = RateNameSelector . new ( campaign [ :rate_match_type ], campaign [ :rate_names ])
shipping_rates . delete_if do | shipping_rate |
rate_name_selector . match? ( shipping_rate )
HideRatesForZipProvinceCountryCampaign . new ( HIDE_RATES_FOR_ZIP_PROVINCE_COUNTRY ),
CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign |
campaign . run ( Input . cart , Input . shipping_rates )
Output . shipping_rates = Input . shipping_rates
Belirli ülkelerdeki seçili ürünler için ücretleri gizleme İstediğiniz ürünü satın alan ve belirli bir ülkede bulunan müşterilerden seçili ücretleri gizlemek için bu komut dosyasını kullanın.
Örneğin bir tişört satın almaları durumunda Kanada'daki müşterilerden belirli bir kargo ücretini gizleyin.
Not: country
ve country_code
kullanımı, bölgenin eş değerine özeldir (ör. ülke/bölge).
# ================================ Customizable Settings ================================
# ================================================================
# Hide Rate(s) for Product/Country
# If the cart contains any matching items, and we have a matching
# country, the entered rate(s) are hidden.
# - 'product_selector_match_type' determines whether we look for
# products that do or don't match the entered selectors. Can
# be:
# - ':include' to check if the product does match
# - ':exclude' to make sure the product doesn't match
# - 'product_selector_type' determines how eligible products
# will be identified. Can be either:
# - ':tag' to find products by tag
# - ':type' to find products by type
# - ':vendor' to find products by vendor
# - ':product_id' to find products by ID
# - ':variant_id' to find products by variant ID
# - ':subscription' to find subscription products
# - 'product_selectors' is a list of tags or IDs to identify
# associated products
# - 'country_code_match_type' determines whether we look for
# countries that do, or don't, match the entered options, or
# all countries. Can be:
# - ':include' to look for countries that DO match
# - ':exclude' to look for countries that DO NOT match
# - ':all' to look for all countries
# - 'country_codes' is a list of country code abbreviations
# - ie. United States would be `US`
# - 'rate_match_type' determines whether the below strings
# should be an exact or partial match. Can be:
# - ':exact' for an exact match
# - ':partial' for a partial match
# - ':all' for all rates
# - 'rate_names' is a list of strings to identify rates
# - if using ':all' above, this can be set to 'nil'
# ================================================================
product_selector_match_type: :include ,
product_selector_type: :product_id ,
product_selectors: [ 1234567890987 , 1234567890986 ],
country_code_match_type: :include ,
country_codes: [ "CA" ],
rate_match_type: :exact ,
rate_names: [ "Shipping Rate" ],
# ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ================================
# ================================================================
# ProductSelector
# Finds matching products by the entered criteria.
# ================================================================
class ProductSelector
def initialize ( match_type , selector_type , selectors )
@match_type = match_type
@comparator = match_type == :include ? 'any?' : 'none?'
@selector_type = selector_type
@selectors = selectors
def match? ( line_item )
if self . respond_to? ( @selector_type )
self . send ( @selector_type , line_item )
raise RuntimeError . new ( 'Invalid product selector type' )
def tag ( line_item )
product_tags = line_item . variant . product . tags . map { | tag | tag . downcase . strip }
@selectors = @selectors . map { | selector | selector . downcase . strip }
( @selectors & product_tags ). send ( @comparator )
def type ( line_item )
@selectors = @selectors . map { | selector | selector . downcase . strip }
( @match_type == :include ) == @selectors . include? ( line_item . variant . product . product_type . downcase . strip )
def vendor ( line_item )
@selectors = @selectors . map { | selector | selector . downcase . strip }
( @match_type == :include ) == @selectors . include? ( line_item . variant . product . vendor . downcase . strip )
def product_id ( line_item )
( @match_type == :include ) == @selectors . include? ( line_item . variant . product . id )
def variant_id ( line_item )
( @match_type == :include ) == @selectors . include? ( line_item . variant . id )
def subscription ( line_item )
! line_item . selling_plan_id . nil?
# ================================================================
# CountrySelector
# Finds whether the supplied country code matches the entered
# strings.
# ================================================================
class CountrySelector
def initialize ( match_type , countries )
@match_type = match_type
@countries = countries . map { | country | country . upcase . strip }
def match? ( country_code )
if @match_type == :all
( @match_type == :include ) == @countries . any? { | country | country_code . upcase . strip == country }
# ================================================================
# RateNameSelector
# Finds whether the supplied rate name matches any of the entered
# names.
# ================================================================
class RateNameSelector
def initialize ( match_type , rate_names )
@match_type = match_type
@comparator = match_type == :exact ? '==' : 'include?'
@rate_names = rate_names & . map { | rate_name | rate_name . downcase . strip }
def match? ( shipping_rate )
if @match_type == :all
@rate_names . any? { | name | shipping_rate . name . downcase . send ( @comparator , name ) }
# ================================================================
# HideRatesForProductCountryCampaign
# If the cart contains any matching items, and we have a matching
# country, the entered rate(s) are hidden.
# ================================================================
class HideRatesForProductCountryCampaign
def initialize ( campaigns )
@campaigns = campaigns
def run ( cart , shipping_rates )
address = cart . shipping_address
return if address . nil?
@campaigns . each do | campaign |
product_selector = ProductSelector . new (
campaign [ :product_selector_match_type ],
campaign [ :product_selector_type ],
campaign [ :product_selectors ],
country_selector = CountrySelector . new ( campaign [ :country_code_match_type ], campaign [ :country_codes ])
product_match = cart . line_items . any? { | line_item | product_selector . match? ( line_item ) }
country_match = country_selector . match? ( address . country_code )
next unless product_match && country_match
rate_name_selector = RateNameSelector . new (
campaign [ :rate_match_type ],
campaign [ :rate_names ],
shipping_rates . delete_if do | shipping_rate |
rate_name_selector . match? ( shipping_rate )
HideRatesForProductCountryCampaign . new ( HIDE_RATES_FOR_PRODUCT_AND_COUNTRY ),
CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign |
campaign . run ( Input . cart , Input . shipping_rates )
Output . shipping_rates = Input . shipping_rates
Posta kutusu teslimatları için ücretleri gizleme Kargo adresi bir posta kutusu olan müşterilerden belirli bir ücreti gizlemek için bu komut dosyasını kullanın.
Not: province
ve province_code
kullanımı ile country
ve country_code
kullanımı, bölgenin eş değerine özeldir (ör. il/eyalet/bölge veya ülke/bölge).
# ================================ Customizable Settings ================================
# ================================================================
# Hide Rate(s) for PO Box addresses
# If the shipping address contains any of the entered "PO Box"
# identifiers, the entered rate(s) are hidden.
# - 'po_box_triggers' is a list of possible strings for a PO
# Box address
# - 'rate_match_type' determines whether the below strings
# should be an exact or partial match. Can be:
# - ':exact' for an exact match
# - ':partial' for a partial match
# - ':all' for all rates
# - 'rate_names' is a list of rates to show/hide if the above
# conditions are met
# ================================================================
po_box_triggers: [
"po box" , "post office" , "p o box" , "p.o.box" , "p.o. box" , "p.o box" , "pobox" ,
"post office box" , "post box" , "p. o. box" , "po. box" , "postal box" ,
rate_match_type: :exact ,
rate_names: [ "Shipping Rate" , "Other Shipping Rate" ],
# ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ================================
# ================================================================
# AddressSelector
# Finds whether the supplied address contains any of the entered
# strings.
# ================================================================
class AddressSelector
def initialize ( triggers )
@triggers = triggers . map { | trigger | trigger . downcase . strip }
def match? ( address )
address_fields = [ address . address1 , address . address2 ]. map do | line |
line . nil? ? "" : line . downcase
address_fields = address_fields . join ( " " )
@triggers . any? { | trigger | address_fields . include? ( trigger ) }
# ================================================================
# RateNameSelector
# Finds whether the supplied rate name matches any of the entered
# names.
# ================================================================
class RateNameSelector
def initialize ( match_type , rate_names )
@match_type = match_type
@comparator = match_type == :exact ? '==' : 'include?'
@rate_names = rate_names . map { | rate_name | rate_name . downcase . strip }
def match? ( shipping_rate )
if @match_type == :all
@rate_names . any? { | name | shipping_rate . name . downcase . send ( @comparator , name ) }
# ================================================================
# HideRatesForPOBoxCampaign
# If the shipping address contains any of the entered "PO Box"
# identifiers, the entered rate(s) are hidden.
# ================================================================
class HideRatesForPOBoxCampaign
def initialize ( campaigns )
@campaigns = campaigns
def run ( cart , shipping_rates )
address = cart . shipping_address
return if address . nil?
@campaigns . each do | campaign |
next unless AddressSelector . new ( campaign [ :po_box_triggers ]). match? ( address )
rate_name_selector = RateNameSelector . new (
campaign [ :rate_match_type ],
campaign [ :rate_names ],
shipping_rates . delete_if do | shipping_rate |
rate_name_selector . match? ( shipping_rate )
HideRatesForPOBoxCampaign . new ( HIDE_RATES_FOR_PO_BOX ),
CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign |
campaign . run ( Input . cart , Input . shipping_rates )
Output . shipping_rates = Input . shipping_rates
Müşteri etiketine göre ücretleri gösterme Özel olarak etiketlenen müşterilere yönelik yalnızca belirli bir ücreti göstermek için bu komut dosyasını kullanın.
Örneğin VIP
etiketine sahip müşterilere yalnızca belirli bir kargo ücreti gösterin.
# ================================ Customizable Settings ================================
# ================================================================
# Show Rate(s) for Customer Tag
# If we have a matching customer, the entered rate(s) will be
# shown, and all others will be hidden. Otherwise, the entered
# rate(s) will be hidden.
# - 'customer_tag_match_type' determines whether we look for the
# customer to be tagged with any of the entered tags or not.
# Can be:
# - ':include' to check if the customer is tagged
# - ':exclude' to make sure the customer isn't tagged
# - 'customer_tags' is a list of customer tags to trigger the
# campaign
# - 'rate_match_type' determines whether the below strings
# should be an exact or partial match. Can be:
# - ':exact' for an exact match
# - ':partial' for a partial match
# - 'rate_names' is a list of strings to identify rates
# ================================================================
customer_tag_match_type: :include ,
customer_tags: [ "customer_tag" , "another_tag" ],
rate_match_type: :exact ,
rate_names: [ "Shipping Rate" , "Other Shipping Rate" ],
# ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ================================
# ================================================================
# CustomerTagSelector
# Finds whether the supplied customer has any of the entered tags.
# ================================================================
class CustomerTagSelector
def initialize ( match_type , tags )
@comparator = match_type == :include ? 'any?' : 'none?'
@tags = tags . map { | tag | tag . downcase . strip }
def match? ( customer )
customer_tags = customer . tags . map { | tag | tag . downcase . strip }
( @tags & customer_tags ). send ( @comparator )
# ================================================================
# RateNameSelector
# Finds whether the supplied rate name matches any of the entered
# names.
# ================================================================
class RateNameSelector
def initialize ( match_type , rate_names )
@comparator = match_type == :exact ? '==' : 'include?'
@rate_names = rate_names . map { | rate_name | rate_name . downcase . strip }
def match? ( shipping_rate )
@rate_names . any? { | name | shipping_rate . name . downcase . send ( @comparator , name ) }
# ================================================================
# ShowRateForCustomerTagCampaign
# If we have a matching customer, the entered rate(s) will be
# shown, and all others will be hidden. Otherwise, the entered
# rate(s) will be hidden.
# ================================================================
class ShowRateForCustomerTagCampaign
def initialize ( campaigns )
@campaigns = campaigns
def run ( cart , shipping_rates )
@campaigns . each do | campaign |
customer_tag_selector = CustomerTagSelector . new (
campaign [ :customer_tag_match_type ],
campaign [ :customer_tags ]
customer_match = cart . customer . nil? ? false : customer_tag_selector . match? ( cart . customer )
rate_name_selector = RateNameSelector . new (
campaign [ :rate_match_type ],
campaign [ :rate_names ]
shipping_rates . delete_if do | shipping_rate |
rate_name_selector . match? ( shipping_rate ) != customer_match
ShowRateForCustomerTagCampaign . new ( SHOW_RATES_FOR_CUSTOMER_TAG ),
CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign |
campaign . run ( Input . cart , Input . shipping_rates )
Output . shipping_rates = Input . shipping_rates
Ücretleri yeniden sıralama Müşterilerinize sunulan kargo ücretlerinin varsayılan sırasını değiştirmek için bu komut dosyasını kullanın.
# ================================ Customizable Settings ================================
# ================================================================
# The order in which you would like your rates to display
# ================================================================
"Shipping Rate 1" , "Shipping Rate 2" , "Shipping Rate 3" ,
# ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ================================
# ================================================================
# ReorderRatesCampaign
# Reorders rates into the entered order
# ================================================================
class ReorderRatesCampaign
def initialize ( desired_order )
@desired_order = desired_order . map { | item | item . downcase . strip }
def run ( cart , shipping_rates )
shipping_rates . sort_by! { | rate | @desired_order . index ( rate . name . downcase . strip ) || Float :: INFINITY }
ReorderRatesCampaign . new ( DESIRED_RATE_ORDER ),
CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign |
campaign . run ( Input . cart , Input . shipping_rates )
Output . shipping_rates = Input . shipping_rates
İndirim koduna göre indirim ücretleri Müşteri, ödeme sayfasında belirli bir indirim kodu kullandıysa, belirli bir fiyata yönelik indirim sunmak için bu komut dosyasını kullanın.
Örneğin müşteriniz "DISCOUNT_15" indirim kodunu kullandıysa belirli bir ücrette indirim yapın.
# ================================ Customizable Settings ================================
# ================================================================
# Discount Rate(s) by Discount Code(s)
# If one of the entered discount codes is used, the entered
# rate(s) are discounted by the entered amount.
# - 'discount_code_match_type' determines whether the below
# strings should be an exact or partial match. Can be:
# - ':exact' for an exact match
# - ':partial' for a partial match
# - 'discount_codes' is a list of strings to identify discount
# codes
# - 'rate_match_type' determines whether the below strings
# should be an exact or partial match. Can be:
# - ':exact' for an exact match
# - ':partial' for a partial match
# - 'rate_names' is a list of strings to identify rates
# - 'discount_type' is the type of discount to provide. Can be
# either:
# - ':percent'
# - ':dollar'
# - 'discount_amount' is the percentage/dollar discount to
# apply
# - 'discount_message' is the message to show when a discount
# is applied
# ================================================================
discount_code_match_type: :exact ,
discount_codes: [ "TESTCODE1" , "TESTCODE2" ],
rate_match_type: :exact ,
rate_names: [ "Shipping Rate" , "Other Shipping Rate" ],
discount_type: :percent ,
discount_amount: 100 ,
discount_message: "Free Shipping with discount code"
# ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ================================
# ================================================================
# DiscountCodeSelector
# Finds whether the supplied discount code matches any of the
# entered codes.
# ================================================================
class DiscountCodeSelector
def initialize ( match_type , discount_codes )
@comparator = match_type == :exact ? '==' : 'include?'
@discount_codes = discount_codes . map { | discount_code | discount_code . upcase . strip }
def match? ( discount_code )
@discount_codes . any? { | code | discount_code . code . upcase . send ( @comparator , code ) }
# ================================================================
# RateNameSelector
# Finds whether the supplied rate name matches any of the entered
# names.
# ================================================================
class RateNameSelector
def initialize ( match_type , rate_names )
@comparator = match_type == :exact ? '==' : 'include?'
@rate_names = rate_names . map { | rate_name | rate_name . downcase . strip }
def match? ( shipping_rate )
@rate_names . any? { | name | shipping_rate . name . downcase . send ( @comparator , name ) }
# ================================================================
# DiscountApplicator
# Applies the entered discount to the supplied shipping rate.
# ================================================================
class DiscountApplicator
def initialize ( discount_type , discount_amount , discount_message )
@discount_type = discount_type
@discount_message = discount_message
@discount_amount = if discount_type == :percent
discount_amount * 0.01
Money . new ( cents: 100 ) * discount_amount
def apply ( shipping_rate )
rate_discount = if @discount_type == :percent
shipping_rate . price * @discount_amount
shipping_rate . apply_discount ( rate_discount , message: @discount_message )
# ================================================================
# DiscountRatesForDiscountCodeCampaign
# If one of the entered discount codes is used, the entered
# rate(s) are discounted by the entered amount.
# ================================================================
class DiscountRatesForDiscountCodeCampaign
def initialize ( campaigns )
@campaigns = campaigns
def run ( cart , shipping_rates )
return if cart . discount_code . nil?
@campaigns . each do | campaign |
discount_code_selector = DiscountCodeSelector . new ( campaign [ :discount_code_match_type ], campaign [ :discount_codes ])
next unless discount_code_selector . match? ( cart . discount_code )
rate_name_selector = RateNameSelector . new ( campaign [ :rate_match_type ], campaign [ :rate_names ])
discount_applicator = DiscountApplicator . new (
campaign [ :discount_type ],
campaign [ :discount_amount ],
campaign [ :discount_message ],
shipping_rates . each do | shipping_rate |
next unless rate_name_selector . match? ( shipping_rate )
discount_applicator . apply ( shipping_rate )
DiscountRatesForDiscountCodeCampaign . new ( DISCOUNTS_FOR_DISCOUNT_CODES ),
CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign |
campaign . run ( Input . cart , Input . shipping_rates )
Output . shipping_rates = Input . shipping_rates
Müşteri etiketine göre indirim ücreti Özel olarak etiketlenen müşterilere yönelik belirli bir ücrette indirim yapmak için bu komut dosyasını kullanın.
Örneğin müşterinin VIP
etiketi varsa belirli bir ücrette %10 indirim sunun.
# ================================ Customizable Settings ================================
# ================================================================
# Discount Rate(s) for Customer Tag(s)
# If we have a matching customer, the entered rate(s) are
# discounted by the entered amount.
# - 'customer_tag_match_type' determines whether we look for the customer
# to be tagged with any of the entered tags or not. Can be:
# - ':include' to check if the customer is tagged
# - ':exclude' to make sure the customer isn't tagged
# - 'customer_tags' is a list of customer tags to qualify for
# a discount
# - 'rate_match_type' determines whether the below strings
# should be an exact or partial match. Can be:
# - ':exact' for an exact match
# - ':partial' for a partial match
# - 'rate_names' is a list of strings to identify rates
# - 'discount_type' is the type of discount to provide. Can be
# either:
# - ':percent'
# - ':dollar'
# - 'discount_amount' is the percentage/dollar discount to
# apply
# - 'discount_message' is the message to show when a discount
# is applied
# ================================================================
customer_tag_match_type: :include ,
customer_tags: [ "customer_tag" , "another_tag" ],
rate_match_type: :exact ,
rate_names: [ "Shipping Rate" , "Other Shipping Rate" ],
discount_type: :percent ,
discount_amount: 10 ,
discount_message: "10% off shipping for tagged customers"
# ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ================================
# ================================================================
# CustomerTagSelector
# Finds whether the supplied customer has any of the entered tags
# ================================================================
class CustomerTagSelector
def initialize ( match_type , tags )
@comparator = match_type == :include ? 'any?' : 'none?'
@tags = tags . map { | tag | tag . downcase . strip }
def match? ( customer )
customer_tags = customer . tags . map { | tag | tag . downcase . strip }
( @tags & customer_tags ). send ( @comparator )
# ================================================================
# RateNameSelector
# Finds whether the supplied rate name matches any of the entered
# names
# ================================================================
class RateNameSelector
def initialize ( match_type , rate_names )
@comparator = match_type == :exact ? '==' : 'include?'
@rate_names = rate_names . map { | rate_name | rate_name . downcase . strip }
def match? ( shipping_rate )
@rate_names . any? { | name | shipping_rate . name . downcase . send ( @comparator , name ) }
# ================================================================
# DiscountApplicator
# Applies the entered discount to the supplied shipping rate
# ================================================================
class DiscountApplicator
def initialize ( discount_type , discount_amount , discount_message )
@discount_type = discount_type
@discount_message = discount_message
@discount_amount = if discount_type == :percent
discount_amount * 0.01
Money . new ( cents: 100 ) * discount_amount
def apply ( shipping_rate )
rate_discount = if @discount_type == :percent
shipping_rate . price * @discount_amount
shipping_rate . apply_discount ( rate_discount , message: @discount_message )
# ================================================================
# DiscountRatesForCustomerTagCampaign
# If we have a matching customer, the entered rate(s) are
# discounted by the entered amount.
# ================================================================
class DiscountRatesForCustomerTagCampaign
def initialize ( campaigns )
@campaigns = campaigns
def run ( cart , shipping_rates )
return if cart . customer . nil?
@campaigns . each do | campaign |
customer_tag_selector = CustomerTagSelector . new ( campaign [ :customer_tag_match_type ], campaign [ :customer_tags ])
next unless customer_tag_selector . match? ( cart . customer )
rate_name_selector = RateNameSelector . new ( campaign [ :rate_match_type ], campaign [ :rate_names ])
discount_applicator = DiscountApplicator . new (
campaign [ :discount_type ],
campaign [ :discount_amount ],
campaign [ :discount_message ],
shipping_rates . each do | shipping_rate |
next unless rate_name_selector . match? ( shipping_rate )
discount_applicator . apply ( shipping_rate )
DiscountRatesForCustomerTagCampaign . new ( DISCOUNTS_FOR_CUSTOMER_TAG ),
CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign |
campaign . run ( Input . cart , Input . shipping_rates )
Output . shipping_rates = Input . shipping_rates
Yalnızca kargo şirketince hesaplanan ücretleri gösterme Yalnızca kargo şirketince hesaplanan ücretleri göstermek için bu komut dosyasını kullanın. Kargo şirketi tarafından hesaplanan ücretler kullanılamıyorsa manuel olarak oluşturulan ücretleriniz gösterilir.
# ================================================================
# Carrier Calculated Rate Fallback
# As long as carrier calculated rates are available, Shopify rates
# will be hidden.
# ================================================================
class CalculatedRateFallbackCampaign
def run ( shipping_rates )
has_calculated_rates = shipping_rates . any? { | shipping_rate | shipping_rate . source . downcase != 'shopify' }
return unless has_calculated_rates
shipping_rates . delete_if { | shipping_rate | shipping_rate . source . downcase == 'shopify' }
CalculatedRateFallbackCampaign . new (),
CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign |
campaign . run ( Input . shipping_rates )
Output . shipping_rates = Input . shipping_rates