Overview of your financial information

The Finances overview page provides a breakdown of your store's financial performance during a selected date range. This information is displayed on a series of cards.

Key performance metrics

The finances overview's key performance metrics give you a breakdown of how your store has been performing for the selected date range.

Key performance metrics
Net sales

The Net sales card displays your net sales during the selected date range.

Net sales is calculated as gross sales - discounts - returns. Net sales does not include shipping charges or taxes. It will be a positive number for a sale on the date that an order was placed, and a negative number for a return on the date that an order was refunded.

Clicking this card will open the Sales by product report
Gross profit

The Gross profit card displays your gross profit during the selected date range.

It is calculated as net sales - cost.

Clicking this card will open the Profit by product report
Gross margin

The Gross margin card displays your gross margin during the selected date range.

It is calculated as ([net sales - cost] / net sales) * 100.

For example, if your net sales are $50 and your cost is $30, then the gross margin (calculated as ([50 - 30] / 50) * 100) is 40%.

Clicking this card will open the Profit by product report

Calculating gross profit and gross margin

Gross profit and gross margin take into account the cost of the products you sell. These metrics give you insight into what your best performing products are and how much profit you’re making. To calculate gross profit and gross margin, you need to enter how much your products cost for you to acquire them.


  1. Navigate to the cost per item bulk editor.
  2. Enter each products' cost per item.
  3. Click Save.


The Earnings card displays the payments you have received during the selected date range, broken down by payment providers. The card displays your top three payment providers and the amount collected from each. You can click Show all payments to see the full list.


If you have a Shopify Balance account that you use for purchases, then the Spending card will track your usage. The card displays your top five vendors and the amount spent on each. You can click Show all transactions to see the full list of transactions.

Payout account

The payout account card displays the current account that you have set up as your payout account, and the amount of any pending payouts.

Current bill

The Current bill card displays the running total of your current bill and information about your billing cycle. You might be billed before your cycle ends if you reach your billing threshold before then.

Learn more about your bill.

Shopify Capital

If you have Shopify Capital funding, then the Shopify Capital card will track your amounts outstanding and remitted. The card also displays any new funding offers here if you are eligible to apply.

Collected tax

Some countries and regions require you to charge taxes on your sales, and then report and remit those taxes to your government. The Collected taxes card displays the amount that your store has collected in taxes during the selected date range, and the number of countries and regions where you’re collecting taxes.

You can click the card to view the Taxes report, or you can click Set up tax collection to configure your store's tax collection.

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