Managing staff

After you've added your bills, you can grant your staff members access to Shopify Bill Pay. Giving your staff access to Shopify Bill Pay lets them schedule bill payments, view payment history, manage vendors, and manage payment methods.

Grant Shopify Bill Pay access to a staff member

To grant access to Shopify Bill Pay to a staff member, you must be able to edit the permissions of other users.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Users and permissions.
  2. Click the name of the staff member that you want to give access to.
  3. In the App permissions section, select Shopify Bill Pay.
  4. Click Save.

The staff member now has access to Shopify Bill Pay.

Remove Shopify Bill Pay access from a staff member

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Users and permissions.
  2. Click the name of the staff member that you want to remove access from.
  3. In the App permissions section, deselect Shopify Bill Pay.
  4. Click Save.

The staff member no longer has access to Shopify Bill Pay.

Set up Shopify Bill Pay as a staff member

After the store owner has granted you access to Shopify Bill Pay, you can access the app from the Shopify admin. These steps can be performed only by the staff member, and can't be done by the user that granted them access.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Bill Pay.
  2. If you haven't already set up two-step authentication, then a banner is displayed prompting you to set it up. Do the following:
    1. Click Set up two-step authentication.
    2. Follow the prompts to activate two-step authentication.

After you activate two-step authentication, you have access to Shopify Bill Pay. You can now pay bills, view bill payment history, manage vendors, and manage payment methods.

Monitor staff member activity

When you grant access to Shopify Bill Pay to your staff members, you can review their activity.

Find which staff member scheduled a Shopify Bill Payment

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Bill Pay.
  2. Click the payment that you want to review.
  3. Go to the Payment activity section, and then locate the Payment ID.

The staff member that scheduled the payment and the date when it was scheduled is displayed under the Payment ID.


When a staff member takes an action such scheduling a payment, adding a bank account, or editing or canceling a payment, both the staff member and the store owner receive an email notification.

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