Requirements and considerations for using the Shopify Collective sales channel
Before you start using the Shopify Collective sales channel, review the following requirements and considerations.
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Requirements for using the Shopify Collective sales channel
To use the Shopify Collective sales channel, you need to meet the following requirements:
- Your business needs to be based in the United States.
- Your store currency needs to be USD.
- You need to have Shopify Payments activated in your store.
- Your store made at least 50,000 USD in the last 12 months.
- Businesses based in Canada can use Shopify Collective if directly invited by a retailer already using Shopify Collective, who is also based in Canada, and whose store currency is CAD.
Considerations for using the Shopify Collective sales channel
Before you start using the Shopify Collective sales channel, review the following considerations:
- Shopify Collective doesn't support digital products and gift card products.
- If your business is based in Canada and you work with a retailer based in Canada, then you need to determine how you and your retailer collect taxes. Generally, your retailer collects taxes from customers, and you collect taxes from your retailer.
- To collect taxes from retailers based in Canada, you can create a separate price list for retailers based in Canada and set your price adjustment to account taxes.
- To charge your retailers correct tax rates, and file and remit your taxes correctly, you need to consult with your local tax authorities or a tax professional.