Make sure that you understand the payment process. When a customer checks out, they can choose to pay for their order using any of the methods that you've activated in the Payment providers area of your Shopify admin. You can activate a variety of payment methods using Shopify.
There are a few different things to consider when you're choosing which payment methods to offer. If you want to let your customers pay using a credit card, then you can use Shopify Payments or a third-party provider.
There are also several ways for customers to pay online without using a credit card, such as PayPal, Amazon Pay, and Apple Pay. You might also want to accept additional methods of payment such as cryptocurrency.
If you use Shopify Payments, then you can activate Shop Pay to allow customers to save their shipping and payment information to help them check out faster. Some other payment providers, such as Paypal, Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, and Google Pay, also offer accelerated checkout buttons that you can activate on your Shopify store.
When choosing a payment provider, consider the countries where your business is located and where your customers live. Shopify's list of payment gateways by country can help you find out which payment gateway are available in your country and what currency they support.
You manage all your store's payment methods in the Payment providers area of Shopify.