Stocky report types

Stocky can record a daily snapshot of your stock value and retail price. After you activate stock on hand reporting, Stocky starts to gather data. It might take up to 24 hours before your first stock on hand record is displayed.

Access a report

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Apps and sales channels.

  2. Click Stocky.

  3. Click Open app.

  4. From the Reports drop-down menu, click the report that you want to run.

Stocky reports

You can view the following reports from within Stocky.

ABC Analysis

You can view an ABC analysis for each product, which grades your products based on their sales history for the past 8 weeks.

Best sellers

You can view a list of your best sellers by product or variant SKU.

Low Stock reports

You can view low stock reports based on vendor, product, or variant SKU.

The Low Stock Vendors report displays which vendors have variants that have low stock, and which variants are out of stock and the estimated revenue that is lost. It also displays the unique variants you've ordered from the vendor but not yet received.

The Low Stock Products report displays which products have low stock, and which products are out of stock and not on order from a vendor. If the variant is out of stock, then it also displays the estimated revenue that is lost each day.

The Low Stock Variants report is the most detailed low stock report. It displays such details as how many days of stock you have left, the estimated date when your inventory runs out, and the estimated date you should reorder more inventory based on how long it takes you to receive it.


The Orders report displays a graph for your orders by month, week, or day. The Orders report also displays a list of your orders. You can edit the filters to view orders that match specific criteria such as vendor, product, or variant.


The Product report displays details about your products, such as the current inventory and amount of sales.

Purchase orders

The Purchase Orders report displays details about each of your purchase orders, such as arrival destination, delivery status, and payment status. This report also includes:

Glossary of Purchase orders report terms
StockCurrent in stock quantity at the time of the report.
OrderedThe amount currently ordered on all outstanding purchase orders that has not been received. If there are multiple purchase orders that include this variant outstanding this value will represent the total on all of those purchase orders.
QuantityThe amount originally ordered of that variant on that specific purchase orders. This number is specific to the purchase orders and won't change as items are received.

Sale items

The Sales items report displays your sale items by product or by variant.


The SKU/Variant report displays each variant's cost per unit, selling price, and number of sales. You can add additional columns to create a more detailed analysis of each variant.


The Statistics report compares store statistics such as average order value and average order total per day for the last 28 days and the last 7 days.

Stock on hand reports

You can view a current or historical report for your stock on hand.

The Current stock on hand displays the current value and cost of your inventory.

The Historical stock on hand for all locations displays a specified total for all inventory, such as cost price, value, or quantity, for each date in a date range. You can filter the report to base the total on all vendors or a specific vendor.


The Adjustments report displays details about each stock adjustment, such as the date, the reason, and the employee who made it.


The Transfers report displays details about each stock transfer, such as its status, the origin and destination, and the reason for the transfer.


The Profit report displays your store's financial information, such as returns, gross sales, and cost of goods sold.

Report types

There are multiple different stock on hand reports available.

Total cost

Total cost is equal to the quantity of each variant multiplied by its cost price for all of your in stock variants. This calculation excludes variants with negative stock levels and hidden variants.

Total retail

Total retail is equal to the quantity of each variant multiplied by its retail price. If you sold all of your stock at its current price, then this is how much you'd make.

Total items

Total items is the total number of in stock items you have in your store. If you have 10 red socks and 5 blue socks, then the total items number is 15.

Stock on hand per vendor

Stocky keeps a stock on hand record for each vendor. To access the stock on hand for a vendor use the form at the top of the stock on hand report. Some reports might have stock listed as tracked by Shopify. This is a way of segmenting your stock on hand reports by items that are tracked by Shopify. If your drop-shipped products aren't tracked by Shopify, then drop-shipped stock can be excluded from the stock on hand reports by selecting the tracked by Shopify version of each report.

Rounding in Stocky

Different accounting and inventory management systems handle rounding in different ways. Stocky rounds numbers at the line item level to two decimal places, and then sums the line items to give you the total. This can create a slight variance when compared to other methods of rounding after summing.

If you want to adjust any numbers manually, then you can do so in the Adjustments field. Adjustments might be necessary if your supplier's accounting system uses a different approach to rounding.

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