Move fulfillment order

The Move fulfillment order action updates the assigned location of a fulfillment order. If the Move fulfillment order action is conducted on a fulfillment order that can't be moved or on line items that are assigned at the new location, then the workflow will register a failure.

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The Move fulfillment order action contains the following fields.

Fields used in the Move fulfillment order action.
New locationThe location ID for where the fulfillment order will be moved.


The Move fulfillment order action operates on fulfillment orders. The action uses a Fulfillment order ID to identify the fulfillment order to be moved. The fulfillment order ID is set by default and can't be changed.

The Move fulfillment order action can be used in workflows that start with the following triggers:

The Move fulfillment order action can also be used in any workflow that iterates through fulfillment orders using the For each loop (iterate) action.


Example of a workflow that moves a fulfillment order when a fulfillment request is rejected

In this example workflow, a fulfillment order is moved after a fulfillment request is rejected by a fulfillment service.

API details

To learn more, review the fulfillmentOrderMove mutation.

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