Log output

The Log output writes text output to the workflow run log in the Run details section of the Run history page. This can be helpful in debugging workflows by viewing data in the environment, or viewing the result of liquid expressions for a workflow.


The Log output action contains the following fields.

Fields used in the Log output action.
OutputRequired. The text to write to the run log by the Log output action.


The Log output action can be used in any workflow.


Example of a workflow that writes the name of the order to the workflow run log.

In this example workflow, the Log output action will write the name of the order to the workflow run log.


Check product metafield values on an order

Check product metafields on line items in an order. View template

Convert a customer metafield into tags for all customers

This workflow will backfill tags onto all of your customers based on a metafield value. It runs every hour and fetches up to 100 customers that do not have a "processed" tag. For each customer, it looks at the value of a custom.test metafield and adds it as a tag. The workflow also adds a "processed" tag so that it isn't returned in the next scheduled run of the workflow. To use the workflow, you will need to change the metafield namespace and key to match a metafield in your shop. View template

Convert tags with a prefix to a product metafield using the Run code action

This workflow will take tags that start with a prefix such as 'color:' and add them to a product metafield list. It uses the Run code action to parse the tags and existing items in the metafield list. The workflow runs when a product is created, but can be manually run on existing products. View template

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