Getting discovered by retailers on the Shopify Collective sales channel

Eligible retailers using Shopify Collective with sales over $50,000 can search for products to sell, and invite suppliers to connect. You can showcase your products and brand information to these retailers, helping you get discovered and make new connections. To do so, you need to meet specific requirements, and activate the discovery feature in the Shopify Collective sales channel.

You can also create a Shopify Collective referral page, and add it to your storefront. It will direct retailers interested in selling your products to install Shopify Collective, so they can then request to connect with you.

Requirements for using the discovery feature on Shopify Collective

You need to meet the following requirements to use the Shopify Collective discovery feature:

  • You need to have the Shop sales channel installed in your store.
  • Your store needs to meet the Shop Merchant Guidelines.
  • Your store needs to have made at least 50,000 USD in the last 12 months.
  • You need to have a high reply rate to retailer invitations that you receive.

Activate the discovery feature on Shopify Collective

Your store can be discovered by retailers that are using Shopify Collective. The discovery feature is automatically activated for all eligible suppliers. When the discovery feature is active, retailers will see your products and brand when they use Collective to search for new things to sell.

Retailers can find and view your products, your brand profile and brand assets. They can also see verified ratings for individual products, from one to five stars, together with your brand's average rating. These are based on verified customer reviews collected on Shop, and reviews from the partner apps Loox, Okendo,, Yotpo, and Importantly, from their discovery feature, retailers can also invite you to connect your business with theirs on Shopify Collective.

You can check whether the discovery feature is activated in your store.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings > Apps and sales channels.
  2. From the Apps and sales channels page, click Collective (Supplier).
  3. Click Open sales channel.

  4. From the Collective (Supplier) sales channel, click Settings.

  5. In the Discovery section, click Turn on.

  6. Optional: To receive email notifications from retailers that want to connect, select Receive invitations from retailers (recommended).

Managing the discovery feature on Shopify Collective

You can turn off retailer invitation emails, turn off your product margin, or deactivate the discovery feature entirely.

Turn off retailer invitation emails

If you want to be discoverable by retailers, but you don't want to receive discovery invitations by email, then you can turn off these notifications. You still receive requests to connect in Retailers > To review in your Shopify Collective sales channel.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings > Apps and sales channels.
  2. From the Apps and sales channels page, click Collective (Supplier).
  3. Click Open sales channel.

  4. From the Collective (Supplier) sales channel, click Settings.

  5. In the Discovery section, deselect Receive invitations from retailers (recommended).

Turn off your margin

Retailers who find and view your products using the discovery feature in their Collective app will see the margin you typically offer to stores who sell your products.

The percentage or percentage range displayed is based on the lowest and highest margins you’ve set across your ‘active’ price lists. Price lists set to draft are not included in the margin displayed to retailers. Retailers are more likely to request to connect with brands when they can see the margin typically offered.

You can choose to turn off this feature to hide your margin from all retailers.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings > Apps and sales channels.
  2. From the Apps and sales channels page, click Collective (Supplier).
  3. Click Open sales channel.

  4. From the Collective (Supplier) sales channel, click Settings.

  5. In the Discovery section, deselect Display your margin range to retailers (recommended).

Deactivate the discovery feature on Shopify Collective

If you no longer want to be discoverable by retailers on Shopify Collective, then you can deactivate the discovery feature.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings > Apps and sales channels.
  2. From the Apps and sales channels page, click Collective (Supplier).
  3. Click Open sales channel.

  4. From the Collective (Supplier) sales channel, click Settings.

  5. In the Discovery section, click Turn off.

Adding and managing your Shopify Collective referral page

A referral page is an automatically generated Shopify Collective page that you can add to your storefront. You can't customize or edit this page, but the page is branded according to your online store theme's branding. A referral page can help you find new retailers to work with you on Shopify Collective faster.

Retailers that visit your referral page can learn more about Shopify Collective and how it works. Eligible retailers can also install the Shopify Collective app to their stores and start working with your business.

Add the Shopify Collective referral page to your store

You can create and add the Shopify Collective referral page to your store's header or footer. You can also preview your referral page before adding it to your store.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings > Apps and sales channels.
  2. From the Apps and sales channels page, click Collective (Supplier).
  3. Click Open sales channel.

  4. From the Collective (Supplier) sales channel, click Settings.

  5. Optional: To preview your referral page, click Preview referral page.

  6. In the Referrals section, click Create referral page.

  7. Click Copy link.

  8. To add the referral page to your store, do the following:

    1. Click Add to navigation.
    2. In the Menus section, click Main menu to add the page to your store's header or click Footer menu to add the page to your store's footer.
    3. Click Add menu item.
    4. In the Name field, enter a name for your menu item, such as Partnerships.
    5. In the Link field, paste the referral page link, and then click Add.
  9. Click Save.

After you add your referral page, go to your online store and make sure that the referral page is correctly displayed.

Remove the Shopify Collective referral page

If you no longer want to display the Shopify Collective referral page in your store, then you can remove the page.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings > Apps and sales channels.
  2. From the Apps and sales channels page, click Collective (Supplier).
  3. Click Open sales channel.

  4. From the Collective (Supplier) sales channel, click Settings.

  5. In the Referrals section, click Remove page.

  6. Click Remove referral page.

  7. If you added the referral page to your store menu, then do the following to remove it:

    1. Go to Online Store > Navigation.
    2. In the Menus section, click Main menu
    3. Find the name of the menu item, and then click Delete.
    4. Click Remove.
  8. Click Save.

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