Product variant back in stock

The Product variant back in stock trigger starts a workflow when the inventory for a product variant increases from 0 or less to 1 or more. The source of the inventory change can be an order, a manual change to inventory, or an app that changes inventory quantities.

Data provided

The following data is provided to workflows that start with the Product variant back in stock trigger.

Data that is provided to workflows with the Product variant back in stock trigger.
productVariantThe product variant which had its inventory quantity changed.

Testing the Product variant back in stock trigger

To test a workflow that starts with this trigger, change a variants's inventory from 0 to 1 or more.


The Flow template library has examples that make use of the Product variant back in stock trigger. These examples show how to make use of inventory for products, variants, and per location.


Any action that requires a variant or a product can be used with the Product variant back in stock trigger. These include:

API details

The Product variant back in stock trigger allows actions to be taken with the Product Variant Graphql API object.

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