Inventory and fulfillment with Markets

Currently, Shopify stores can allocate their inventory to different locations, but these inventory levels aren't persisted on the storefront, which can result in certain locations going into negative inventory by mistake.

With markets, when a customer browses products on your online store, the inventory levels accurately reflect the available inventory for that customer’s country or region.

For example, you might have warehouses in the United States, Canada, and Spain, with the following inventory levels and shipping destinations.

Example warehouse inventory levels and available shipping destinations
WarehouseInventory levelShipping regions
United States500United States, Mexico
Canada75Canada, Mexico
Spain0Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland

If a customer sets their country to the United States, Canada, or Mexico on your website, the product is displayed as available for purchase. If a customer sets their country to Spain, the same product is displayed as out of stock. This prevents overselling in the Spain location until it has available inventory to serve those countries or regions again.

To make sure that your inventory levels are accurate for customers, set accurate levels per location and add your locations to the proper shipping zones.

On this page


  • Products can be shown as available or unavailable to countries or regions only on the storefront. If a customer arrives at checkout and changes their country, then it's possible that locations might still go into negative inventory. For this reason we highly recommend following steps to correctly localize your customers.
  • Inventory numbers per location aren't limited or shown to customers on the storefront. Using the above example, if a customer in Canada adds 100 units to to their cart on the storefront, they are still able to checkout, putting the Canada location into -25 units of inventory.
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