


若要删除博客作者的姓名,您需要编辑 blog.liquidarticle-template.liquid 模板中的 Liquid。如果您使用的是 Boundless,则需要编辑 blog.liquidarticle.liquid 模板中的 Liquid。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转至在线商店 > 模板
  2. 找到要编辑的模板,点击 ... 按钮打开操作菜单,然后点击编辑代码
  3. Templates 文件夹中,点击 blog.liquid
  4. 在电脑上使用 ctrl + F 或在 Mac 上使用 command + F 来找到此 Liquid 标记并将其删除:
{{ article.author }}
For **Simple** and **Supply**, the author and date share the same liquid tag. To remove both, use `ctrl` + `F` on a PC or `command` + `F` on a Mac to locate this Liquid tag and delete it:
{{ 'blogs.article.author_on_date_html' | t: author: author, date: date }}
If you want to keep only the date, then replace the code above with:
{{ date }}
  1. 点击保存
  2. Sections 文件夹中,点击 article-template.liquid。对于 Boundless,请在 Templates 文件夹中点击 article.liquid
  3. 在电脑上使用 ctrl + F 或在 Mac 上使用 command + F 来找到此 Liquid 标记并将其删除:
{{ article.author }}
For **Simple** and **Supply**, the article author and article date share the same liquid tag. To remove both, use `ctrl` + `F` on a PC or `command` + `F` on a Mac to locate this Liquid tag and delete it:
{{ 'blogs.article.author_on_date_html' | t: author: author, date: date }}
If you want to keep only the date, then replace the code above with:
{{ date }}
  1. 点击保存
  1. Shopify 应用中,点击 按钮。
  2. 销售渠道部分,轻触在线商店
  3. 轻触管理模板
  4. 找到要编辑的模板,点击 ... 按钮打开操作菜单,然后点击编辑代码
  5. Templates 文件夹中,点击 blog.liquid
  6. 在电脑上使用 ctrl + F 或在 Mac 上使用 command + F 来找到此 Liquid 标记并将其删除:
{{ article.author }}
For **Simple** and **Supply**, the author and date share the same liquid tag. To remove both, use `ctrl` + `F` on a PC or `command` + `F` on a Mac to locate this Liquid tag and delete it:
{{ 'blogs.article.author_on_date_html' | t: author: author, date: date }}
If you want to keep only the date, then replace the code above with:
{{ date }}
  1. 点击保存
  2. Sections 文件夹中,点击 article-template.liquid。对于 Boundless,请在 Templates 文件夹中点击 article.liquid
  3. 在电脑上使用 ctrl + F 或在 Mac 上使用 command + F 来找到此 Liquid 标记并将其删除:
{{ article.author }}
For **Simple** and **Supply**, the article author and article date share the same liquid tag. To remove both, use `ctrl` + `F` on a PC or `command` + `F` on a Mac to locate this Liquid tag and delete it:
{{ 'blogs.article.author_on_date_html' | t: author: author, date: date }}
If you want to keep only the date, then replace the code above with:
{{ date }}
  1. 点击保存
  1. Shopify 应用中,点击 按钮。
  2. 销售渠道部分,轻触在线商店
  3. 轻触管理模板
  4. 找到要编辑的模板,点击 ... 按钮打开操作菜单,然后点击编辑代码
  5. Templates 文件夹中,点击 blog.liquid
  6. 在电脑上使用 ctrl + F 或在 Mac 上使用 command + F 来找到此 Liquid 标记并将其删除:
{{ article.author }}
For **Simple** and **Supply**, the author and date share the same liquid tag. To remove both, use `ctrl` + `F` on a PC or `command` + `F` on a Mac to locate this Liquid tag and delete it:
{{ 'blogs.article.author_on_date_html' | t: author: author, date: date }}
If you want to keep only the date, then replace the code above with:
{{ date }}
  1. 点击保存
  2. Sections 文件夹中,点击 article-template.liquid。对于 Boundless,请在 Templates 文件夹中点击 article.liquid
  3. 在电脑上使用 ctrl + F 或在 Mac 上使用 command + F 来找到此 Liquid 标记并将其删除:
{{ article.author }}
For **Simple** and **Supply**, the article author and article date share the same liquid tag. To remove both, use `ctrl` + `F` on a PC or `command` + `F` on a Mac to locate this Liquid tag and delete it:
{{ 'blogs.article.author_on_date_html' | t: author: author, date: date }}
If you want to keep only the date, then replace the code above with:
{{ date }}
  1. 点击保存