



  1. 在 Shopify 管理介面 中,前往「線上商店」>「佈景主題」。
  2. 找到要編輯的佈景主題,按一下「...」按鈕以開啟動作選單,然後點擊「編輯程式碼」。
  3. 在「資產」資料夾中,開啟 theme.jstheme.js.liquid 檔案。
  4. 在檔案底部貼上下列程式碼:
const selectVariantByClickingImage = {
  // Create variant images from productJson object
  _createVariantImage: function (product) {
    const variantImageObject = {};
    product.variants.forEach((variant) => {
      if (
        typeof variant.featured_image !== 'undefined' &&
        variant.featured_image !== null
      ) {
        const variantImage = variant.featured_image.src
          .replace(/http(s)?:/, '');
        variantImageObject[variantImage] =
          variantImageObject[variantImage] || {};
        product.options.forEach((option, index) => {
          const optionValue = variant.options[index];
          const optionKey = `option-${index}`;
          if (
            typeof variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] === 'undefined'
          ) {
            variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] = optionValue;
          } else {
            const oldValue = variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey];
            if (oldValue !== null && oldValue !== optionValue) {
              variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] = null;
    return variantImageObject;
  _updateVariant: function (event, id, product, variantImages) {
    const arrImage = event.target.src
      .replace(/http(s)?:/, '')
    const strExtention = arrImage.pop();
    const strRemaining = arrImage.pop().replace(/_[a-zA-Z0-9@]+$/, '');
    const strNewImage = `${arrImage.join('.')}.${strRemaining}.${strExtention}`;
    if (typeof variantImages[strNewImage] !== 'undefined') {
      product.variants.forEach((option, index) => {
        const optionValue = variantImages[strNewImage][`option-${index}`];
        if (optionValue !== null && optionValue !== undefined) {
          const selects = document.querySelectorAll('#'+ id + ' [class*=single-option-selector]');
          const options = selects[index].options;
          for (let option, n = 0; (option = options[n]); n += 1) {
            if (option.value === optionValue) {
              selects[index].selectedIndex = n;
              selects[index].dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
  _selectVariant: function() {
    const productJson = document.querySelectorAll('[id^=ProductJson-');
    if (productJson.length > 0) {
      productJson.forEach((product) => {
        const sectionId = product.id.replace("ProductJson-", "shopify-section-");
        const thumbnails = document.querySelectorAll('#'+ sectionId + ' img[src*="/cdn/"]');
        if (thumbnails.length > 1) {
          const productObject = JSON.parse(product.innerHTML);
          const variantImages = this._createVariantImage(productObject);
          // need to check variants > 1
          if (productObject.variants.length > 1) {
            thumbnails.forEach((thumbnail) => {
              thumbnail.addEventListener('click', (e) =>
                this._updateVariant(e, sectionId, productObject, variantImages),
if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {
} else {
  1. 點擊「儲存」。
  1. Shopify 應用程式中,點選「」按鈕。
  2. 銷售管道畫面上,點一下「線上商店」
  3. 點一下「管理佈景主題」
  4. 找到要編輯的佈景主題,按一下「...」按鈕以開啟動作選單,然後點擊「編輯程式碼」。
  5. 在「資產」資料夾中,開啟 theme.jstheme.js.liquid 檔案。
  6. 在檔案底部貼上下列程式碼:
const selectVariantByClickingImage = {
  // Create variant images from productJson object
  _createVariantImage: function (product) {
    const variantImageObject = {};
    product.variants.forEach((variant) => {
      if (
        typeof variant.featured_image !== 'undefined' &&
        variant.featured_image !== null
      ) {
        const variantImage = variant.featured_image.src
          .replace(/http(s)?:/, '');
        variantImageObject[variantImage] =
          variantImageObject[variantImage] || {};
        product.options.forEach((option, index) => {
          const optionValue = variant.options[index];
          const optionKey = `option-${index}`;
          if (
            typeof variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] === 'undefined'
          ) {
            variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] = optionValue;
          } else {
            const oldValue = variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey];
            if (oldValue !== null && oldValue !== optionValue) {
              variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] = null;
    return variantImageObject;
  _updateVariant: function (event, id, product, variantImages) {
    const arrImage = event.target.src
      .replace(/http(s)?:/, '')
    const strExtention = arrImage.pop();
    const strRemaining = arrImage.pop().replace(/_[a-zA-Z0-9@]+$/, '');
    const strNewImage = `${arrImage.join('.')}.${strRemaining}.${strExtention}`;
    if (typeof variantImages[strNewImage] !== 'undefined') {
      product.variants.forEach((option, index) => {
        const optionValue = variantImages[strNewImage][`option-${index}`];
        if (optionValue !== null && optionValue !== undefined) {
          const selects = document.querySelectorAll('#'+ id + ' [class*=single-option-selector]');
          const options = selects[index].options;
          for (let option, n = 0; (option = options[n]); n += 1) {
            if (option.value === optionValue) {
              selects[index].selectedIndex = n;
              selects[index].dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
  _selectVariant: function() {
    const productJson = document.querySelectorAll('[id^=ProductJson-');
    if (productJson.length > 0) {
      productJson.forEach((product) => {
        const sectionId = product.id.replace("ProductJson-", "shopify-section-");
        const thumbnails = document.querySelectorAll('#'+ sectionId + ' img[src*="/files/"]');
        if (thumbnails.length > 1) {
          const productObject = JSON.parse(product.innerHTML);
          const variantImages = this._createVariantImage(productObject);
          // need to check variants > 1
          if (productObject.variants.length > 1) {
            thumbnails.forEach((thumbnail) => {
              thumbnail.addEventListener('click', (e) =>
                this._updateVariant(e, sectionId, productObject, variantImages),
if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {
} else {
  1. 點擊「儲存」。
  1. Shopify 應用程式中,點選「」按鈕。
  2. 銷售管道畫面上,點一下「線上商店」
  3. 點一下「管理佈景主題」
  4. 找到要編輯的佈景主題,按一下「...」按鈕以開啟動作選單,然後點擊「編輯程式碼」。
  5. 在「資產」資料夾中,開啟 theme.jstheme.js.liquid 檔案。
  6. 在檔案底部貼上下列程式碼:
const selectVariantByClickingImage = {
  // Create variant images from productJson object
  _createVariantImage: function (product) {
    const variantImageObject = {};
    product.variants.forEach((variant) => {
      if (
        typeof variant.featured_image !== 'undefined' &&
        variant.featured_image !== null
      ) {
        const variantImage = variant.featured_image.src
          .replace(/http(s)?:/, '');
        variantImageObject[variantImage] =
          variantImageObject[variantImage] || {};
        product.options.forEach((option, index) => {
          const optionValue = variant.options[index];
          const optionKey = `option-${index}`;
          if (
            typeof variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] === 'undefined'
          ) {
            variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] = optionValue;
          } else {
            const oldValue = variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey];
            if (oldValue !== null && oldValue !== optionValue) {
              variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] = null;
    return variantImageObject;
  _updateVariant: function (event, id, product, variantImages) {
    const arrImage = event.target.src
      .replace(/http(s)?:/, '')
    const strExtention = arrImage.pop();
    const strRemaining = arrImage.pop().replace(/_[a-zA-Z0-9@]+$/, '');
    const strNewImage = `${arrImage.join('.')}.${strRemaining}.${strExtention}`;
    if (typeof variantImages[strNewImage] !== 'undefined') {
      product.variants.forEach((option, index) => {
        const optionValue = variantImages[strNewImage][`option-${index}`];
        if (optionValue !== null && optionValue !== undefined) {
          const selects = document.querySelectorAll('#'+ id + ' [class*=single-option-selector]');
          const options = selects[index].options;
          for (let option, n = 0; (option = options[n]); n += 1) {
            if (option.value === optionValue) {
              selects[index].selectedIndex = n;
              selects[index].dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
  _selectVariant: function() {
    const productJson = document.querySelectorAll('[id^=ProductJson-');
    if (productJson.length > 0) {
      productJson.forEach((product) => {
        const sectionId = product.id.replace("ProductJson-", "shopify-section-");
        const thumbnails = document.querySelectorAll('#'+ sectionId + ' img[src*="/files/"]');
        if (thumbnails.length > 1) {
          const productObject = JSON.parse(product.innerHTML);
          const variantImages = this._createVariantImage(productObject);
          // need to check variants > 1
          if (productObject.variants.length > 1) {
            thumbnails.forEach((thumbnail) => {
              thumbnail.addEventListener('click', (e) =>
                this._updateVariant(e, sectionId, productObject, variantImages),
if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {
} else {
  1. 點擊「儲存」。