此頁面列印時間為 Oct 08, 2024。如須最新版本,請至 https://help.shopify.com/zh-TW/manual/online-store/themes/themes-by-shopify/vintage-themes/customizing-vintage-themes/select-variants-click。
Shopify Theme Store 不提供舊版佈景主題。這些主題不含 Shopify Online Store 2.0 佈景主題 的功能,且 Shopify 免費的舊版佈景主題只能接收安全性修復的相關更新。
一般而言,顧客會從下拉式選單中選取子類。您可能希望顧客可以透過點擊子類圖片 選取產品子類選項。
* 此解決方案將無法用於 Boundless 、Express 或 Narrative 佈景主題。如果您使用 Brooklyn 佈景主題,此解決方案將能正常運作,但您需要在商品頁面將選擇器類型設為「下拉式 」。每個子類圖片都必須獨一無二,此解決方案才能正常運作。
在 Shopify 管理介面 中,前往「線上商店 」>「佈景主題 」。
找到要編輯的佈景主題,按一下「... 」按鈕以開啟動作選單,然後點擊「編輯程式碼 」。
在「資產 」資料夾中,開啟 theme.js
或 theme.js.liquid
const selectVariantByClickingImage = {
// Create variant images from productJson object
_createVariantImage : function ( product ) {
const variantImageObject = {};
product . variants . forEach (( variant ) => {
if (
typeof variant . featured_image !== ' undefined ' &&
variant . featured_image !== null
) {
const variantImage = variant . featured_image . src
. split ( ' ? ' )[ 0 ]
. replace ( /http ( s )? :/ , '' );
variantImageObject [ variantImage ] =
variantImageObject [ variantImage ] || {};
product . options . forEach (( option , index ) => {
const optionValue = variant . options [ index ];
const optionKey = `option- ${ index } ` ;
if (
typeof variantImageObject [ variantImage ][ optionKey ] === ' undefined '
) {
variantImageObject [ variantImage ][ optionKey ] = optionValue ;
} else {
const oldValue = variantImageObject [ variantImage ][ optionKey ];
if ( oldValue !== null && oldValue !== optionValue ) {
variantImageObject [ variantImage ][ optionKey ] = null ;
return variantImageObject ;
_updateVariant : function ( event , id , product , variantImages ) {
const arrImage = event . target . src
. split ( ' ? ' )[ 0 ]
. replace ( /http ( s )? :/ , '' )
. split ( ' . ' );
const strExtention = arrImage . pop ();
const strRemaining = arrImage . pop (). replace ( /_ [ a-zA-Z0-9@ ] +$/ , '' );
const strNewImage = ` ${ arrImage . join ( ' . ' )} . ${ strRemaining } . ${ strExtention } ` ;
if ( typeof variantImages [ strNewImage ] !== ' undefined ' ) {
product . variants . forEach (( option , index ) => {
const optionValue = variantImages [ strNewImage ][ `option- ${ index } ` ];
if ( optionValue !== null && optionValue !== undefined ) {
const selects = document . querySelectorAll ( ' # ' + id + ' [class*=single-option-selector] ' );
const options = selects [ index ]. options ;
for ( let option , n = 0 ; ( option = options [ n ]); n += 1 ) {
if ( option . value === optionValue ) {
selects [ index ]. selectedIndex = n ;
selects [ index ]. dispatchEvent ( new Event ( ' change ' ));
break ;
_selectVariant : function () {
const productJson = document . querySelectorAll ( ' [id^=ProductJson- ' );
if ( productJson . length > 0 ) {
productJson . forEach (( product ) => {
const sectionId = product . id . replace ( " ProductJson- " , " shopify-section- " );
const thumbnails = document . querySelectorAll ( ' # ' + sectionId + ' img[src*="/cdn/"] ' );
if ( thumbnails . length > 1 ) {
const productObject = JSON . parse ( product . innerHTML );
const variantImages = this . _createVariantImage ( productObject );
// need to check variants > 1
if ( productObject . variants . length > 1 ) {
thumbnails . forEach (( thumbnail ) => {
thumbnail . addEventListener ( ' click ' , ( e ) =>
this . _updateVariant ( e , sectionId , productObject , variantImages ),
if ( document . readyState !== ' loading ' ) {
selectVariantByClickingImage . _selectVariant ();
} else {
document . addEventListener (
' DOMContentLoaded ' ,
selectVariantByClickingImage . _selectVariant (),
點擊「儲存 」。
在 Shopify 應用程式 中,點選「… 」按鈕。
在銷售管道 畫面上,點一下「線上商店」 。
點一下「管理佈景主題」 。
找到要編輯的佈景主題,按一下「... 」按鈕以開啟動作選單,然後點擊「編輯程式碼 」。
在「資產 」資料夾中,開啟 theme.js
或 theme.js.liquid
const selectVariantByClickingImage = {
// Create variant images from productJson object
_createVariantImage : function ( product ) {
const variantImageObject = {};
product . variants . forEach (( variant ) => {
if (
typeof variant . featured_image !== ' undefined ' &&
variant . featured_image !== null
) {
const variantImage = variant . featured_image . src
. split ( ' ? ' )[ 0 ]
. replace ( /http ( s )? :/ , '' );
variantImageObject [ variantImage ] =
variantImageObject [ variantImage ] || {};
product . options . forEach (( option , index ) => {
const optionValue = variant . options [ index ];
const optionKey = `option- ${ index } ` ;
if (
typeof variantImageObject [ variantImage ][ optionKey ] === ' undefined '
) {
variantImageObject [ variantImage ][ optionKey ] = optionValue ;
} else {
const oldValue = variantImageObject [ variantImage ][ optionKey ];
if ( oldValue !== null && oldValue !== optionValue ) {
variantImageObject [ variantImage ][ optionKey ] = null ;
return variantImageObject ;
_updateVariant : function ( event , id , product , variantImages ) {
const arrImage = event . target . src
. split ( ' ? ' )[ 0 ]
. replace ( /http ( s )? :/ , '' )
. split ( ' . ' );
const strExtention = arrImage . pop ();
const strRemaining = arrImage . pop (). replace ( /_ [ a-zA-Z0-9@ ] +$/ , '' );
const strNewImage = ` ${ arrImage . join ( ' . ' )} . ${ strRemaining } . ${ strExtention } ` ;
if ( typeof variantImages [ strNewImage ] !== ' undefined ' ) {
product . variants . forEach (( option , index ) => {
const optionValue = variantImages [ strNewImage ][ `option- ${ index } ` ];
if ( optionValue !== null && optionValue !== undefined ) {
const selects = document . querySelectorAll ( ' # ' + id + ' [class*=single-option-selector] ' );
const options = selects [ index ]. options ;
for ( let option , n = 0 ; ( option = options [ n ]); n += 1 ) {
if ( option . value === optionValue ) {
selects [ index ]. selectedIndex = n ;
selects [ index ]. dispatchEvent ( new Event ( ' change ' ));
break ;
_selectVariant : function () {
const productJson = document . querySelectorAll ( ' [id^=ProductJson- ' );
if ( productJson . length > 0 ) {
productJson . forEach (( product ) => {
const sectionId = product . id . replace ( " ProductJson- " , " shopify-section- " );
const thumbnails = document . querySelectorAll ( ' # ' + sectionId + ' img[src*="/files/"] ' );
if ( thumbnails . length > 1 ) {
const productObject = JSON . parse ( product . innerHTML );
const variantImages = this . _createVariantImage ( productObject );
// need to check variants > 1
if ( productObject . variants . length > 1 ) {
thumbnails . forEach (( thumbnail ) => {
thumbnail . addEventListener ( ' click ' , ( e ) =>
this . _updateVariant ( e , sectionId , productObject , variantImages ),
if ( document . readyState !== ' loading ' ) {
selectVariantByClickingImage . _selectVariant ();
} else {
document . addEventListener (
' DOMContentLoaded ' ,
selectVariantByClickingImage . _selectVariant (),
點擊「儲存 」。
在 Shopify 應用程式 中,點選「… 」按鈕。
在銷售管道 畫面上,點一下「線上商店」 。
點一下「管理佈景主題」 。
找到要編輯的佈景主題,按一下「... 」按鈕以開啟動作選單,然後點擊「編輯程式碼 」。
在「資產 」資料夾中,開啟 theme.js
或 theme.js.liquid
const selectVariantByClickingImage = {
// Create variant images from productJson object
_createVariantImage : function ( product ) {
const variantImageObject = {};
product . variants . forEach (( variant ) => {
if (
typeof variant . featured_image !== ' undefined ' &&
variant . featured_image !== null
) {
const variantImage = variant . featured_image . src
. split ( ' ? ' )[ 0 ]
. replace ( /http ( s )? :/ , '' );
variantImageObject [ variantImage ] =
variantImageObject [ variantImage ] || {};
product . options . forEach (( option , index ) => {
const optionValue = variant . options [ index ];
const optionKey = `option- ${ index } ` ;
if (
typeof variantImageObject [ variantImage ][ optionKey ] === ' undefined '
) {
variantImageObject [ variantImage ][ optionKey ] = optionValue ;
} else {
const oldValue = variantImageObject [ variantImage ][ optionKey ];
if ( oldValue !== null && oldValue !== optionValue ) {
variantImageObject [ variantImage ][ optionKey ] = null ;
return variantImageObject ;
_updateVariant : function ( event , id , product , variantImages ) {
const arrImage = event . target . src
. split ( ' ? ' )[ 0 ]
. replace ( /http ( s )? :/ , '' )
. split ( ' . ' );
const strExtention = arrImage . pop ();
const strRemaining = arrImage . pop (). replace ( /_ [ a-zA-Z0-9@ ] +$/ , '' );
const strNewImage = ` ${ arrImage . join ( ' . ' )} . ${ strRemaining } . ${ strExtention } ` ;
if ( typeof variantImages [ strNewImage ] !== ' undefined ' ) {
product . variants . forEach (( option , index ) => {
const optionValue = variantImages [ strNewImage ][ `option- ${ index } ` ];
if ( optionValue !== null && optionValue !== undefined ) {
const selects = document . querySelectorAll ( ' # ' + id + ' [class*=single-option-selector] ' );
const options = selects [ index ]. options ;
for ( let option , n = 0 ; ( option = options [ n ]); n += 1 ) {
if ( option . value === optionValue ) {
selects [ index ]. selectedIndex = n ;
selects [ index ]. dispatchEvent ( new Event ( ' change ' ));
break ;
_selectVariant : function () {
const productJson = document . querySelectorAll ( ' [id^=ProductJson- ' );
if ( productJson . length > 0 ) {
productJson . forEach (( product ) => {
const sectionId = product . id . replace ( " ProductJson- " , " shopify-section- " );
const thumbnails = document . querySelectorAll ( ' # ' + sectionId + ' img[src*="/files/"] ' );
if ( thumbnails . length > 1 ) {
const productObject = JSON . parse ( product . innerHTML );
const variantImages = this . _createVariantImage ( productObject );
// need to check variants > 1
if ( productObject . variants . length > 1 ) {
thumbnails . forEach (( thumbnail ) => {
thumbnail . addEventListener ( ' click ' , ( e ) =>
this . _updateVariant ( e , sectionId , productObject , variantImages ),
if ( document . readyState !== ' loading ' ) {
selectVariantByClickingImage . _selectVariant ();
} else {
document . addEventListener (
' DOMContentLoaded ' ,
selectVariantByClickingImage . _selectVariant (),
點擊「儲存 」。