Vælg varianter ved at klikke på billederne

Varianter vælges normalt via en rullemenu. Du ønsker muligvis at give dine kunder mulighed for at vælge en produktvariant ved at klikke på et variants billede.

klik på billedet for at ændre varianteksemplet


  1. Gå til Webshop > Temaer i din Shopify-administrator.
  2. Find det tema, du vil redigere, og klik på knappen for at åbne handlingsmenuen. Klik derefter på Rediger kode.
  3. Åbn theme.js eller theme.js.liquid-filen i mappen Aktiver.
  4. Indsæt nedenstående kode i bunden af filen:
const selectVariantByClickingImage = {
  // Create variant images from productJson object
  _createVariantImage: function (product) {
    const variantImageObject = {};
    product.variants.forEach((variant) => {
      if (
        typeof variant.featured_image !== 'undefined' &&
        variant.featured_image !== null
      ) {
        const variantImage = variant.featured_image.src
          .replace(/http(s)?:/, '');
        variantImageObject[variantImage] =
          variantImageObject[variantImage] || {};
        product.options.forEach((option, index) => {
          const optionValue = variant.options[index];
          const optionKey = `option-${index}`;
          if (
            typeof variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] === 'undefined'
          ) {
            variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] = optionValue;
          } else {
            const oldValue = variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey];
            if (oldValue !== null && oldValue !== optionValue) {
              variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] = null;
    return variantImageObject;
  _updateVariant: function (event, id, product, variantImages) {
    const arrImage = event.target.src
      .replace(/http(s)?:/, '')
    const strExtention = arrImage.pop();
    const strRemaining = arrImage.pop().replace(/_[a-zA-Z0-9@]+$/, '');
    const strNewImage = `${arrImage.join('.')}.${strRemaining}.${strExtention}`;
    if (typeof variantImages[strNewImage] !== 'undefined') {
      product.variants.forEach((option, index) => {
        const optionValue = variantImages[strNewImage][`option-${index}`];
        if (optionValue !== null && optionValue !== undefined) {
          const selects = document.querySelectorAll('#'+ id + ' [class*=single-option-selector]');
          const options = selects[index].options;
          for (let option, n = 0; (option = options[n]); n += 1) {
            if (option.value === optionValue) {
              selects[index].selectedIndex = n;
              selects[index].dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
  _selectVariant: function() {
    const productJson = document.querySelectorAll('[id^=ProductJson-');
    if (productJson.length > 0) {
      productJson.forEach((product) => {
        const sectionId = product.id.replace("ProductJson-", "shopify-section-");
        const thumbnails = document.querySelectorAll('#'+ sectionId + ' img[src*="/cdn/"]');
        if (thumbnails.length > 1) {
          const productObject = JSON.parse(product.innerHTML);
          const variantImages = this._createVariantImage(productObject);
          // need to check variants > 1
          if (productObject.variants.length > 1) {
            thumbnails.forEach((thumbnail) => {
              thumbnail.addEventListener('click', (e) =>
                this._updateVariant(e, sectionId, productObject, variantImages),
if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {
} else {
  1. Klik på Gem.
  1. Tryk på knappen i Shopify-appen.
  2. Tryk på Webshop i afsnittet Salgskanaler.
  3. Tryk på Administrer temaer.
  4. Find det tema, du vil redigere, og klik på knappen for at åbne handlingsmenuen. Klik derefter på Rediger kode.
  5. Åbn theme.js eller theme.js.liquid-filen i mappen Aktiver.
  6. Indsæt nedenstående kode i bunden af filen:
const selectVariantByClickingImage = {
  // Create variant images from productJson object
  _createVariantImage: function (product) {
    const variantImageObject = {};
    product.variants.forEach((variant) => {
      if (
        typeof variant.featured_image !== 'undefined' &&
        variant.featured_image !== null
      ) {
        const variantImage = variant.featured_image.src
          .replace(/http(s)?:/, '');
        variantImageObject[variantImage] =
          variantImageObject[variantImage] || {};
        product.options.forEach((option, index) => {
          const optionValue = variant.options[index];
          const optionKey = `option-${index}`;
          if (
            typeof variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] === 'undefined'
          ) {
            variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] = optionValue;
          } else {
            const oldValue = variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey];
            if (oldValue !== null && oldValue !== optionValue) {
              variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] = null;
    return variantImageObject;
  _updateVariant: function (event, id, product, variantImages) {
    const arrImage = event.target.src
      .replace(/http(s)?:/, '')
    const strExtention = arrImage.pop();
    const strRemaining = arrImage.pop().replace(/_[a-zA-Z0-9@]+$/, '');
    const strNewImage = `${arrImage.join('.')}.${strRemaining}.${strExtention}`;
    if (typeof variantImages[strNewImage] !== 'undefined') {
      product.variants.forEach((option, index) => {
        const optionValue = variantImages[strNewImage][`option-${index}`];
        if (optionValue !== null && optionValue !== undefined) {
          const selects = document.querySelectorAll('#'+ id + ' [class*=single-option-selector]');
          const options = selects[index].options;
          for (let option, n = 0; (option = options[n]); n += 1) {
            if (option.value === optionValue) {
              selects[index].selectedIndex = n;
              selects[index].dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
  _selectVariant: function() {
    const productJson = document.querySelectorAll('[id^=ProductJson-');
    if (productJson.length > 0) {
      productJson.forEach((product) => {
        const sectionId = product.id.replace("ProductJson-", "shopify-section-");
        const thumbnails = document.querySelectorAll('#'+ sectionId + ' img[src*="/files/"]');
        if (thumbnails.length > 1) {
          const productObject = JSON.parse(product.innerHTML);
          const variantImages = this._createVariantImage(productObject);
          // need to check variants > 1
          if (productObject.variants.length > 1) {
            thumbnails.forEach((thumbnail) => {
              thumbnail.addEventListener('click', (e) =>
                this._updateVariant(e, sectionId, productObject, variantImages),
if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {
} else {
  1. Klik på Gem.
  1. Tryk på knappen i Shopify-appen.
  2. Tryk på Webshop i afsnittet Salgskanaler.
  3. Tryk på Administrer temaer.
  4. Find det tema, du vil redigere, og klik på knappen for at åbne handlingsmenuen. Klik derefter på Rediger kode.
  5. Åbn theme.js eller theme.js.liquid-filen i mappen Aktiver.
  6. Indsæt nedenstående kode i bunden af filen:
const selectVariantByClickingImage = {
  // Create variant images from productJson object
  _createVariantImage: function (product) {
    const variantImageObject = {};
    product.variants.forEach((variant) => {
      if (
        typeof variant.featured_image !== 'undefined' &&
        variant.featured_image !== null
      ) {
        const variantImage = variant.featured_image.src
          .replace(/http(s)?:/, '');
        variantImageObject[variantImage] =
          variantImageObject[variantImage] || {};
        product.options.forEach((option, index) => {
          const optionValue = variant.options[index];
          const optionKey = `option-${index}`;
          if (
            typeof variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] === 'undefined'
          ) {
            variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] = optionValue;
          } else {
            const oldValue = variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey];
            if (oldValue !== null && oldValue !== optionValue) {
              variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] = null;
    return variantImageObject;
  _updateVariant: function (event, id, product, variantImages) {
    const arrImage = event.target.src
      .replace(/http(s)?:/, '')
    const strExtention = arrImage.pop();
    const strRemaining = arrImage.pop().replace(/_[a-zA-Z0-9@]+$/, '');
    const strNewImage = `${arrImage.join('.')}.${strRemaining}.${strExtention}`;
    if (typeof variantImages[strNewImage] !== 'undefined') {
      product.variants.forEach((option, index) => {
        const optionValue = variantImages[strNewImage][`option-${index}`];
        if (optionValue !== null && optionValue !== undefined) {
          const selects = document.querySelectorAll('#'+ id + ' [class*=single-option-selector]');
          const options = selects[index].options;
          for (let option, n = 0; (option = options[n]); n += 1) {
            if (option.value === optionValue) {
              selects[index].selectedIndex = n;
              selects[index].dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
  _selectVariant: function() {
    const productJson = document.querySelectorAll('[id^=ProductJson-');
    if (productJson.length > 0) {
      productJson.forEach((product) => {
        const sectionId = product.id.replace("ProductJson-", "shopify-section-");
        const thumbnails = document.querySelectorAll('#'+ sectionId + ' img[src*="/files/"]');
        if (thumbnails.length > 1) {
          const productObject = JSON.parse(product.innerHTML);
          const variantImages = this._createVariantImage(productObject);
          // need to check variants > 1
          if (productObject.variants.length > 1) {
            thumbnails.forEach((thumbnail) => {
              thumbnail.addEventListener('click', (e) =>
                this._updateVariant(e, sectionId, productObject, variantImages),
if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {
} else {
  1. Klik på Gem.
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