De sectie Snelle bestellijst aan je themacode toevoegen
De B2B-functie is alleen beschikbaar voor winkels waarvoor je een Shopify Plus-abonnement hebt. Neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie over de prijsstelling van het Shopify Plus-abonnement.
De sectie Snelle bestellijst wordt ondersteund in gratis Shopify-thema's , versie 11.0.0 of hoger. Als je de sectie Snelle bestellijst aan je winkel wilt toevoegen, kun je het thema van je winkel bijwerken naar de meest recente versie.
Als je je thema niet wilt wijzigen of bijwerken , kun je code aan je thema toevoegen met Liquid of Javascript om de sectie Snelle bestellijst op je productpagina's weer te geven.
Dupliceer het thema om een back-upkopie te maken voordat je updates uitvoert aan themabestanden.
Je bedrijf laten groeien
Dit is een geavanceerde tutorial. Als je niet vertrouwd bent met het lezen en bewerken van themacodes, kun je samenwerken met een ontwikkelaar of een Shopify-partner inhuren .
Liquid-code voor Snelle bestellijst toevoegen Je kunt code toevoegen aan de volgende bestanden in je thema om de sectie Snelle bestellijst te ondersteunen:
of een equivalent daarvan;
Ga in het Shopify-beheercentrum naar webshop > Thema's .
Zoek het thema dat je wilt bewerken, klik op de knop ... om het actiemenu te openen en klik vervolgens op Code bewerken .
Open het bestand dat je wilt bewerken.
Maak een nieuwe regel onder in het bestand en voeg de volgende code toe:
{% # theme-check-disable %}
{%- assign items_in_cart = cart | line_items_for : product | sum : 'quantity' -%}
{% # theme-check-enable %}
<div class="color-background-1 gradient">
data-id="{{ section . id }} "
action="{{ routes . cart_update_url }} "
class="quick-order-list__contents critical-hidden"
<div class="quick-order-list__container" id="main-variant-items">
<div class="js-contents">
<table class="quick-order-list__table">
<caption class="visually-hidden">
Quick Order List
<th class="caption-with-letter-spacing" scope="col">
{%- if product . has_only_default_variant -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
<th class="large-up-hide right caption-with-letter-spacing" scope="col">
{%- if product . has_only_default_variant -%}
Product subtotal
{%- else -%}
Variant total
{%- endif -%}
class="quick-order-list__table-heading--wide small-hide medium-hide caption-with-letter-spacing"
class="quick-order-list__table-heading--wide small-hide medium-hide caption-with-letter-spacing"
<th class="small-hide medium-hide right caption-with-letter-spacing" scope="col">
{%- if product . has_only_default_variant -%}
Product subtotal
{%- else -%}
Variant total
{%- endif -%}
{%- if product . has_only_default_variant -%}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
{% assign cart_qty = cart | item_count_for_variant : product . selected_or_first_available_variant . id %}
{% # theme-check-enable %}
id="Variant-{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . id }} "
data-variant-id="{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . id }} "
data-cart-qty="{{ cart_qty }} "
<td class="variant-item__inner">
<div class="variant-item__media">
<div class="variant-item__image-container gradient global-media-settings{% unless product . featured_media %} variant-item__image-container--no-img {% endunless %} ">
{% if product . featured_media %}
{%- assign img_height = 43 | divided_by : product . featured_media . aspect_ratio | ceil -%}
product . featured_media
| image_url : width : 86
| image_tag :
loading : 'lazy' ,
fetchpriority : 'low' ,
decoding : 'async' ,
class : 'variant-item__image' ,
width : 43 ,
height : img_height ,
widths : '86' ,
alt : product . featured_media . alt
| escape
{% endif %}
<div class="small-hide medium-hide">
<span class="variant-item__name h4 break">{{ product . title | escape }} </span>
{%- if product . sku -%}
<span class="variant-item__sku break">{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . sku | escape }} </span>
{%- endif -%}
<td class="variant-item__details large-up-hide">
<div class="variant-item__info">
<span class="variant-item__name h4 break">{{ variant . title | escape }} </span>
{%- if product . selected_or_first_available_variant . sku -%}
<span class="variant-item__sku break">{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . sku | escape }} </span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- assign item_price = product . selected_or_first_available_variant . price | money -%}
{%- if product . selected_or_first_available_variant . compare_at_price -%}
<dl class="variant-item__discounted-prices">
<dt class="visually-hidden">
Regular price
<s class="variant-item__old-price price price--end">
{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . compare_at_price | money }}
<dt class="visually-hidden">
Sale price
<dd class="price">
<span class="price">
{{ item_price }} /ea
{%- else -%}
<span class="price">
{{ item_price }} /ea
{%- endif -%}
{%- if product . selected_or_first_available_variant . available and product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price_measurement -%}
<div class="unit-price caption">
<span class="visually-hidden">Unit price</span>
{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price | money }}
<span aria-hidden="true">/</span>
<span class="visually-hidden"> per </span>
{%- if product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_value != 1 -%}
{{- product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_value -}}
{%- endif -%}
{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_unit }}
{%- endif -%}
<td class="variant-item__totals right large-up-hide">
{%- render 'loading-overlay' -%}
{% comment %} TODO: enable theme-check once `line_items_for` is accepted as valid filter {% endcomment %}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
<span class="price">{{ cart | line_items_for : product . selected_or_first_available_variant | sum : 'original_line_price' | money }} </span>
{% # theme-check-enable %}
<td class="variant-item__quantity">
<div class="variant-item__quantity-wrapper quantity-popover-wrapper variant-item__quantity-wrapper--no-info">
<label class="visually-hidden" for="Quantity-{{ variant . id }} ">
<div class="quantity-popover-container">
{%- if product . selected_or_first_available_variant . available == false -%}
<span class="variant-item__sold-out h4"> Sold out </span>
{%- else -%}
{% comment %} TODO: Remove theme check {% endcomment %}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
{% assign cart_qty = cart | item_count_for_variant : product . selected_or_first_available_variant . id %}
{% # theme-check-enable %}
{% render 'quantity-input' , variant : product . selected_or_first_available_variant %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if cart_qty > 0 -%}
id="Remove-{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . id }} "
data-index="{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . id }} "
href="{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . url_to_remove }} "
class="button button--tertiary"
aria-label="Remove {{ variant . title }} "
{% render 'icon-remove' %}
{%- endif -%}
class="variant-item__error large-up-hide"
id="Quick-order-list-item-error-mobile-{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . id }} "
<small class="variant-item__error-text"></small>
{% render 'icon-error' %}
{%- assign item_price = product . selected_or_first_available_variant . price | money -%}
<td class="variant-item__price small-hide medium-hide">
{%- if variant . compare_at_price -%}
<dl class="variant-item__discounted-prices">
<dt class="visually-hidden">
Regular price
<s class="variant-item__old-price price price--end">
{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . compare_at_price | money }}
<dt class="visually-hidden">
Sale price
<dd class="price">
<span class="price">
{{ item_price }} /ea
{%- else -%}
<span class="price">
{{ item_price }} /ea
{%- endif -%}
{%- if product . selected_or_first_available_variant . available and product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price_measurement -%}
<div class="unit-price caption">
<span class="visually-hidden">Unit price</span>
{{ variant . unit_price | money }}
<span aria-hidden="true">/</span>
<span class="visually-hidden"> per </span>
{%- if product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_value != 1 -%}
{{- product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_value -}}
{%- endif -%}
{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_unit }}
{%- endif -%}
<td class="variant-item__totals right small-hide medium-hide">
{%- render 'loading-overlay' -%}
{% comment %} TODO: enable theme-check once `line_items_for` is accepted as valid filter {% endcomment %}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
<span class="price">{{ cart | line_items_for : product . selected_or_first_available_variant | sum : 'original_line_price' | money }} </span>
{% # theme-check-enable %}
<tr class="small-hide medium-hide hidden desktop-row-error">
<div class="variant-item__error" id="Quick-order-list-item-error-desktop-{{ variant . id }} " role="alert">
<small class="variant-item__error-text"></small>
{% render 'icon-error' %}
{%- else -%}
{%- for variant in product . variants -%}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
{% assign cart_qty = cart | item_count_for_variant : variant . id %}
{% # theme-check-enable %}
id="Variant-{{ variant . id }} "
data-variant-id="{{ variant . id }} "
data-cart-qty="{{ cart_qty }} "
<td class="variant-item__inner">
<div class="variant-item__media">
<div class="variant-item__image-container gradient global-media-settings{% unless variant . image %} variant-item__image-container--no-img {% endunless %} ">
{% if variant . image %}
{%- assign img_height = 43 | divided_by : variant . image . aspect_ratio | ceil -%}
variant . image
| image_url : width : 86
| image_tag :
loading : 'lazy' ,
fetchpriority : 'low' ,
decoding : 'async' ,
class : 'variant-item__image' ,
width : 43 ,
height : img_height ,
widths : '86' ,
alt : variant . image . alt
| escape
{% endif %}
<div class="small-hide medium-hide">
<span class="variant-item__name h4 break">{{ variant . title | escape }} </span>
{%- if variant . sku -%}
<span class="variant-item__sku break">{{ variant . sku | escape }} </span>
{%- endif -%}
<td class="variant-item__details large-up-hide">
<div class="variant-item__info">
<span class="variant-item__name h4 break">{{ variant . title | escape }} </span>
{%- if variant . sku -%}
<span class="variant-item__sku break">{{ variant . sku | escape }} </span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- assign item_price = variant . price | money -%}
{%- if variant . compare_at_price -%}
<dl class="variant-item__discounted-prices">
<dt class="visually-hidden">
Regular price
<s class="variant-item__old-price price price--end">
{{ variant . compare_at_price | money }}
<dt class="visually-hidden">
Sale price
<dd class="price">
<span class="price">
{{ item_price }} /ea
{%- else -%}
<span class="price">
{{ item_price }} /ea
{%- endif -%}
{%- if variant . available and variant . unit_price_measurement -%}
<div class="unit-price caption">
<span class="visually-hidden">Unit price</span>
{{ variant . unit_price | money }}
<span aria-hidden="true">/</span>
<span class="visually-hidden"> per </span>
{%- if variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_value != 1 -%}
{{- variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_value -}}
{%- endif -%}
{{ variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_unit }}
{%- endif -%}
<td class="variant-item__totals right large-up-hide">
{%- render 'loading-overlay' -%}
{% comment %} TODO: enable theme-check once `line_items_for` is accepted as valid filter {% endcomment %}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
<span class="price">{{ cart | line_items_for : variant | sum : 'original_line_price' | money }} </span>
{% # theme-check-enable %}
<td class="variant-item__quantity">
<div class="variant-item__quantity-wrapper quantity-popover-wrapper variant-item__quantity-wrapper--no-info">
<label class="visually-hidden" for="Quantity-{{ variant . id }} ">
<div class="quantity-popover-container">
{%- if variant . available == false -%}
<span class="variant-item__sold-out h4">Sold out</span>
{%- else -%}
{% comment %} TODO: Remove theme check {% endcomment %}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
{% assign cart_qty = cart | item_count_for_variant : variant . id %}
{% # theme-check-enable %}
{% render 'quantity-input' , variant : variant %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if cart_qty > 0 -%}
id="Remove-{{ variant . id }} "
data-index="{{ variant . id }} "
href="{{ variant . url_to_remove }} "
class="button button--tertiary"
aria-label="Remove {{ variant . title }} "
{% render 'icon-remove' %}
{%- endif -%}
class="variant-item__error large-up-hide"
id="Quick-order-list-item-error-mobile-{{ variant . id }} "
<small class="variant-item__error-text"></small>
{% render 'icon-error' %}
{%- assign item_price = variant . price | money -%}
<td class="variant-item__price small-hide medium-hide">
{%- if variant . compare_at_price -%}
<dl class="variant-item__discounted-prices">
<dt class="visually-hidden">
Regular price
<s class="variant-item__old-price price price--end">
{{ variant . compare_at_price | money }}
<dt class="visually-hidden">
Sale price
<dd class="price">
<span class="price">
{{ item_price }} /ea
{%- else -%}
<span class="price">
{{ item_price }} /ea
{%- endif -%}
{%- if variant . available and variant . unit_price_measurement -%}
<div class="unit-price caption">
<span class="visually-hidden">Unit price</span>
{{ variant . unit_price | money }}
<span aria-hidden="true">/</span>
<span class="visually-hidden"> per </span>
{%- if variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_value != 1 -%}
{{- variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_value -}}
{%- endif -%}
{{ variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_unit }}
{%- endif -%}
<td class="variant-item__totals right small-hide medium-hide">
{%- render 'loading-overlay' -%}
{% comment %} TODO: enable theme-check once `line_items_for` is accepted as valid filter {% endcomment %}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
<span class="price">{{ cart | line_items_for : variant | sum : 'original_line_price' | money }} </span>
{% # theme-check-enable %}
<tr class="small-hide medium-hide hidden desktop-row-error">
<div class="variant-item__error" id="Quick-order-list-item-error-desktop-{{ variant . id }} " role="alert">
<small class="variant-item__error-text"></small>
{% render 'icon-error' %}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if product . has_only_default_variant or product . variants . size == 1 -%}
<button type="submit" class="button button--secondary right" formnovalidate form="QuickOrderList">
{%- endif -%}
<p class="visually-hidden" id="quick-order-list-live-region-text" aria-live="polite" role="status"></p>
{%- if product . has_only_default_variant or product . variants . size == 1 -%}
<span class="quick-order-list-error">
{% comment %} Populated by JS {% endcomment %}
{%- else -%}
<div class="quick-order-list__total gradient" id="quick-order-list-total">
<div class="quick-order-list-total__info">
<div class="quick-order-list-total__column small-hide medium-hide">
<div class="quick-order-list-buttons">
href="{{ routes . cart_url }} "
class="quick-order-list__button button button--secondary small-hide medium-hide"
<span class="quick-order-list__button-text">View cart</span>
<div class="variant-remove-total">
{%- render 'loading-overlay' -%}
<button class="button button--tertiary" type="button">
{% render 'icon-remove' %}
<span class="text-body">Remove all</span>
<span class="quick-order-list__message caption-large" role="status">
<span class="quick-order-list__message-icon hidden">{%- render 'icon-checkmark' -%} </span>
<span class="quick-order-list__message-text"></span>
<span class="quick-order-list-error">
{% comment %} Populated by JS {% endcomment %}
<div class="quick-order-list__total-items">
{{ items_in_cart }}
<p class="h5">Total items</p>
<div class="quick-order-list-total__price">
<button type="submit" class="button button--secondary" formnovalidate form="QuickOrderList">
<div class="totals__product-total">
<h3 class="totals__subtotal-value">
{% comment %} TODO: enable theme-check once `line_items_for` is accepted as valid filter {% endcomment %}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
{{ cart | line_items_for : product | sum : 'original_line_price' | money }}
{% # theme-check-enable %}
<p class="totals__subtotal h5">Product subtotal</p>
<small class="tax-note caption-large rte">
{%- if cart . taxes_included and shop . shipping_policy . body != blank -%}
Tax included. <a href="{{ shop . shipping_policy . url }} ">Shipping</a> and discounts calculated at checkout.
{%- elsif cart . taxes_included -%}
Tax included and shipping and discounts calculated at checkout
{%- elsif shop . shipping_policy . body != blank -%}
Taxes, Discounts and <a href="{{ shop . shipping_policy . url }} ">shipping</a> calculated at checkout
{%- else -%}
Taxes, discounts and shipping calculated at checkout
{%- endif -%}
<div class="quick-order-list-total__column large-up-hide">
<div class="quick-order-list-buttons">
href="{{ routes . cart_url }} "
class="quick-order-list__button button button--secondary button--full-width"
<span class="quick-order-list__button-text">View cart</span>
<div class="variant-remove-total">
{%- render 'loading-overlay' -%}
<button class="button button--tertiary" type="button">
{% render 'icon-remove' %}
<span class="text-body">Remove all</span>
<span class="quick-order-list__message caption-large" role="status">
<span class="quick-order-list__message-icon hidden">{%- render 'icon-checkmark' -%} </span>
<span class="quick-order-list__message-text"></span>
<span class="quick-order-list-error">
{% comment %} Populated by JS {% endcomment %}
<div class="quick-order-list-total__confirmation hidden">
<span class="text-body">
Remove all {{ items_in_cart }} items from your cart?
class="quick-order-list__button-confirm button button--secondary"
Remove all
class="quick-order-list__button-cancel button button--tertiary"
{%- endif -%}
<template id="QuickOrderListErrorTemplate-{{ section . id }} ">
{% render 'icon-error' %}
<span class="quick-order-list-error-message caption-large" role="alert"></span>
Klik op Opslaan .
Javascript-code voor Snelle bestellijst toevoegen Wanneer de hoeveelheid van een variant in de winkelwagen verandert, worden het subtotaal van het product, het subtotaal van de variant en de mogelijke foutstatus bijgewerkt. De bijgewerkte waarden kunnen worden opgehaald met behulp van Javascript-code.
Je kunt code toevoegen aan het bestand theme.js
of een equivalent daarvan.
Ga in het Shopify-beheercentrum naar webshop > Thema's .
Zoek het thema dat je wilt bewerken, klik op de knop ... om het actiemenu te openen en klik vervolgens op Code bewerken .
Open het bestand theme.js
Maak een nieuwe regel onder in het bestand en voeg de volgende code toe:
class QuickOrderListRemoveButton extends HTMLElement {
constructor () {
super ();
this . addEventListener ( ' click ' , ( event ) => {
event . preventDefault ();
const quickOrderList = this . closest ( ' quick-order-list ' );
quickOrderList . updateQuantity ( this . dataset . index , 0 );
customElements . define ( ' quick-order-list-remove-button ' , QuickOrderListRemoveButton );
class QuickOrderListRemoveAllButton extends HTMLElement {
constructor () {
super ();
const allVariants = Array . from ( document . querySelectorAll ( ' [data-variant-id] ' ));
const items = {}
let hasVariantsInCart = false ;
this . quickOrderList = this . closest ( ' quick-order-list ' );
allVariants . forEach (( variant ) => {
const cartQty = parseInt ( variant . dataset . cartQty );
if ( cartQty > 0 ) {
hasVariantsInCart = true ;
items [ parseInt ( variant . dataset . variantId )] = 0 ;
if ( ! hasVariantsInCart ) {
this . classList . add ( ' hidden ' );
this . actions = {
confirm : ' confirm ' ,
remove : ' remove ' ,
cancel : ' cancel '
this . addEventListener ( ' click ' , ( event ) => {
event . preventDefault ();
if ( this . dataset . action === this . actions . confirm ) {
this . toggleConfirmation ( false , true );
} else if ( this . dataset . action === this . actions . remove ) {
this . quickOrderList . updateMultipleQty ( items );
this . toggleConfirmation ( true , false );
} else if ( this . dataset . action === this . actions . cancel ) {
this . toggleConfirmation ( true , false );
toggleConfirmation ( showConfirmation , showInfo ) {
this . quickOrderList . querySelector ( ' .quick-order-list-total__confirmation ' ). classList . toggle ( ' hidden ' , showConfirmation );
this . quickOrderList . querySelector ( ' .quick-order-list-total__info ' ). classList . toggle ( ' hidden ' , showInfo )
customElements . define ( ' quick-order-list-remove-all-button ' , QuickOrderListRemoveAllButton );
class QuickOrderList extends HTMLElement {
constructor () {
super ();
this . cart = document . querySelector ( ' cart-drawer ' );
this . actions = {
add : ' ADD ' ,
update : ' UPDATE '
this . quickOrderListId = ' quick-order-list '
this . variantItemStatusElement = document . getElementById ( ' shopping-cart-variant-item-status ' );
const form = this . querySelector ( ' form ' );
form . addEventListener ( ' submit ' , this . onSubmit . bind ( this ));
const debouncedOnChange = debounce (( event ) => {
this . onChange ( event );
this . addEventListener ( ' change ' , debouncedOnChange . bind ( this ));
cartUpdateUnsubscriber = undefined ;
onSubmit ( event ) {
event . preventDefault ();
connectedCallback () {
this . cartUpdateUnsubscriber = subscribe ( PUB_SUB_EVENTS . cartUpdate , ( event ) => {
if ( event . source === this . quickOrderListId ) {
return ;
// If its another section that made the update
this . onCartUpdate ();
this . sectionId = this . dataset . id ;
disconnectedCallback () {
if ( this . cartUpdateUnsubscriber ) {
this . cartUpdateUnsubscriber ();
onChange ( event ) {
const inputValue = parseInt ( event . target . value );
const cartQuantity = parseInt ( event . target . dataset . cartQuantity );
const index = event . target . dataset . index ;
const name = document . activeElement . getAttribute ( ' name ' );
const quantity = inputValue - cartQuantity ;
if ( cartQuantity > 0 ) {
this . updateQuantity ( index , inputValue , name , this . actions . update );
} else {
this . updateQuantity ( index , quantity , name , this . actions . add );
onCartUpdate () {
fetch ( ` ${ window . location . pathname } ?section_id= ${ this . sectionId } ` )
. then (( response ) => response . text ())
. then (( responseText ) => {
const html = new DOMParser (). parseFromString ( responseText , ' text/html ' );
const sourceQty = html . querySelector ( this . quickOrderListId );
this . innerHTML = sourceQty . innerHTML ;
. catch ( e => {
console . error ( e );
getSectionsToRender () {
return [
id : this . quickOrderListId ,
section : document . getElementById ( this . quickOrderListId ). dataset . id ,
selector : ' .js-contents '
id : ' cart-icon-bubble ' ,
section : ' cart-icon-bubble ' ,
selector : ' .shopify-section '
id : ' quick-order-list-live-region-text ' ,
section : ' cart-live-region-text ' ,
selector : ' .shopify-section '
id : ' quick-order-list-total ' ,
section : document . getElementById ( this . quickOrderListId ). dataset . id ,
selector : ' .quick-order-list__total '
id : ' CartDrawer ' ,
selector : ' #CartDrawer ' ,
section : ' cart-drawer '
renderSections ( parsedState ) {
this . getSectionsToRender (). forEach (( section => {
const sectionElement = document . getElementById ( section . id );
if ( sectionElement && sectionElement . parentElement && sectionElement . parentElement . classList . contains ( ' drawer ' )) {
parsedState . items . length > 0 ? sectionElement . parentElement . classList . remove ( ' is-empty ' ) : sectionElement . parentElement . classList . add ( ' is-empty ' );
setTimeout (() => {
document . querySelector ( ' #CartDrawer-Overlay ' ). addEventListener ( ' click ' , this . cart . close . bind ( this . cart ));
const elementToReplace = sectionElement && sectionElement . querySelector ( section . selector ) ? sectionElement . querySelector ( section . selector ) : sectionElement ;
if ( elementToReplace ) {
elementToReplace . innerHTML =
this . getSectionInnerHTML ( parsedState . sections [ section . section ], section . selector );
updateMultipleQty ( items ) {
this . querySelector ( ' .variant-remove-total .loading-overlay ' ). classList . remove ( ' hidden ' );
const body = JSON . stringify ({
updates : items ,
sections : this . getSectionsToRender (). map (( section ) => section . section ),
sections_url : window . location . pathname
this . updateMessage ();
this . setErrorMessage ();
fetch ( ` ${ routes . cart_update_url } ` , { ... fetchConfig (), ...{ body } })
. then (( response ) => {
return response . text ();
. then (( state ) => {
const parsedState = JSON . parse ( state );
this . renderSections ( parsedState );
}). catch (() => {
this . setErrorMessage ( ' There was an error while updating your cart. Please try again. ' );
. finally (() => {
this . querySelector ( ' .variant-remove-total .loading-overlay ' ). classList . add ( ' hidden ' );
updateQuantity ( id , quantity , name , action ) {
this . toggleLoading ( id , true );
let routeUrl = routes . cart_change_url ;
let body = JSON . stringify ({
quantity ,
id ,
sections : this . getSectionsToRender (). map (( section ) => section . section ),
sections_url : window . location . pathname
let fetchConfigType ;
if ( action === this . actions . add ) {
fetchConfigType = ' javascript ' ;
routeUrl = routes . cart_add_url ;
body = JSON . stringify ({
items : [
quantity : parseInt ( quantity ),
id : parseInt ( id )
sections : this . getSectionsToRender (). map (( section ) => section . section ),
sections_url : window . location . pathname
this . updateMessage ();
this . setErrorMessage ();
fetch ( ` ${ routeUrl } ` , { ... fetchConfig ( fetchConfigType ), ...{ body } })
. then (( response ) => {
return response . text ();
. then (( state ) => {
const parsedState = JSON . parse ( state );
const quantityElement = document . getElementById ( `Quantity- ${ id } ` );
const items = document . querySelectorAll ( ' .variant-item ' );
if ( parsedState . description || parsedState . errors ) {
const variantItem = document . querySelector ( `[id^="Variant- ${ id } "] .variant-item__totals.small-hide .loading-overlay` );
variantItem . classList . add ( ' loading-overlay--error ' );
this . resetQuantityInput ( id , quantityElement );
if ( parsedState . errors ) {
this . updateLiveRegions ( id , parsedState . errors );
} else {
this . updateLiveRegions ( id , parsedState . description );
return ;
this . classList . toggle ( ' is-empty ' , parsedState . item_count === 0 );
this . renderSections ( parsedState );
let hasError = false ;
const currentItem = parsedState . items . find (( item ) => item . variant_id === parseInt ( id ));
const updatedValue = currentItem ? currentItem . quantity : undefined ;
if ( updatedValue && updatedValue !== quantity ) {
this . updateError ( updatedValue , id );
hasError = true ;
const variantItem = document . getElementById ( `Variant- ${ id } ` );
if ( variantItem && variantItem . querySelector ( `[name=" ${ name } "]` )) {
variantItem . querySelector ( `[name=" ${ name } "]` ). focus ();
publish ( PUB_SUB_EVENTS . cartUpdate , { source : this . quickOrderListId , cartData : parsedState });
if ( hasError ) {
this . updateMessage ();
} else if ( action === this . actions . add ) {
this . updateMessage ( parseInt ( quantity ))
} else if ( action === this . actions . update ) {
this . updateMessage ( parseInt ( quantity - quantityElement . dataset . cartQuantity ))
} else {
this . updateMessage ( - parseInt ( quantityElement . dataset . cartQuantity ))
}). catch (( error ) => {
this . querySelectorAll ( ' .loading-overlay ' ). forEach (( overlay ) => overlay . classList . add ( ' hidden ' ));
this . resetQuantityInput ( id );
console . error ( error );
this . setErrorMessage ( ' There was an error while updating your cart. Please try again. ' );
. finally (() => {
this . toggleLoading ( id );
resetQuantityInput ( id , quantityElement ) {
const input = quantityElement ?? document . getElementById ( `Quantity- ${ id } ` );
input . value = input . getAttribute ( ' value ' );
setErrorMessage ( message = null ) {
this . errorMessageTemplate = this . errorMessageTemplate ?? document . getElementById ( `QuickOrderListErrorTemplate- ${ this . sectionId } ` ). cloneNode ( true );
const errorElements = document . querySelectorAll ( ' .quick-order-list-error ' );
errorElements . forEach (( errorElement ) => {
errorElement . innerHTML = '' ;
if ( ! message ) return ;
const updatedMessageElement = this . errorMessageTemplate . cloneNode ( true );
updatedMessageElement . content . querySelector ( ' .quick-order-list-error-message ' ). innerText = message ;
errorElement . appendChild ( updatedMessageElement . content );
updateMessage ( quantity = null ) {
const messages = this . querySelectorAll ( ' .quick-order-list__message-text ' );
const icons = this . querySelectorAll ( ' .quick-order-list__message-icon ' );
if ( quantity === null || isNaN ( quantity )) {
messages . forEach ( message => message . innerHTML = '' );
icons . forEach ( icon => icon . classList . add ( ' hidden ' ));
return ;
const isQuantityNegative = quantity < 0 ;
const absQuantity = Math . abs ( quantity );
const textTemplate = isQuantityNegative
? ( absQuantity === 1 ? ` ${ absQuantity } item removed` : ` ${ absQuantity } items removed` )
: ( quantity === 1 ? ` ${ absQuantity } item added` : ` ${ absQuantity } items added` )
messages . forEach (( msg ) => msg . innerHTML = textTemplate );
if ( ! isQuantityNegative ) {
icons . forEach (( i ) => i . classList . remove ( ' hidden ' ));
updateError ( updatedValue , id ) {
let message = '' ;
if ( typeof updatedValue === ' undefined ' ) {
message = ' There was an error while updating your cart. Please try again. ' ;
} else {
message = `You can only add ${ updatedValue } of this item to your cart.` ;
this . updateLiveRegions ( id , message );
updateLiveRegions ( id , message ) {
const variantItemErrorDesktop = document . getElementById ( `Quick-order-list-item-error-desktop- ${ id } ` );
const variantItemErrorMobile = document . getElementById ( `Quick-order-list-item-error-mobile- ${ id } ` );
if ( variantItemErrorDesktop ) {
variantItemErrorDesktop . querySelector ( ' .variant-item__error-text ' ). innerHTML = message ;
variantItemErrorDesktop . closest ( ' tr ' ). classList . remove ( ' hidden ' );
if ( variantItemErrorMobile ) variantItemErrorMobile . querySelector ( ' .variant-item__error-text ' ). innerHTML = message ;
this . variantItemStatusElement . setAttribute ( ' aria-hidden ' , true );
const cartStatus = document . getElementById ( ' quick-order-list-live-region-text ' );
cartStatus . setAttribute ( ' aria-hidden ' , false );
setTimeout (() => {
cartStatus . setAttribute ( ' aria-hidden ' , true );
}, 1000 );
getSectionInnerHTML ( html , selector ) {
return new DOMParser ()
. parseFromString ( html , ' text/html ' )
. querySelector ( selector ). innerHTML ;
toggleLoading ( id , enable ) {
const quickOrderList = document . getElementById ( this . quickOrderListId );
const quickOrderListItems = this . querySelectorAll ( `#Variant- ${ id } .loading-overlay` );
if ( enable ) {
quickOrderList . classList . add ( ' quick-order-list__container--disabled ' );
[... quickOrderListItems ]. forEach (( overlay ) => overlay . classList . remove ( ' hidden ' ));
document . activeElement . blur ();
this . variantItemStatusElement . setAttribute ( ' aria-hidden ' , false );
} else {
quickOrderList . classList . remove ( ' quick-order-list__container--disabled ' );
quickOrderListItems . forEach (( overlay ) => overlay . classList . add ( ' hidden ' ));
customElements . define ( ' quick-order-list ' , QuickOrderList );
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