Aggiunta della sezione Elenco ordini rapido al codice del tema
Requisito del piano
La funzione B2B è disponibile solo per i negozi con un piano Shopify Plus. Per informazioni sui prezzi del piano Shopify Plus, contattaci .
La sezione Elenco ordini rapido è supportata dai temi shopify gratuiti , versione 11.0.0 o successiva. Se desideri aggiungere la sezione Elenco ordini rapido al tuo negozio, puoi aggiornare il tema del negozio alla versione più recente.
Se non vuoi modificare o aggiornare il tema , puoi aggiungere codice al tema utilizzando Liquid o Javascript per visualizzare la sezione Elenco ordini rapido sulle pagine di prodotto.
Prima di effettuare aggiornamenti ai file del tema, assicurati di duplicare il tema per creare una copia di backup.
Fai crescere la tua attività
Questo è un tutorial avanzato. Se non sei in grado di leggere e modificare il codice del tema, puoi collaborare con uno sviluppatore o rivolgerti a un Partner di Shopify .
Aggiunta del codice Liquid dell'Elenco ordini rapido Puoi aggiungere codice ai seguenti file nel tuo tema per supportare la sezione Elenco ordini rapido:
o equivalente
Dal pannello di controllo Shopify, vai su Negozio online > Temi .
Trova il tema che desideri modificare, clicca sul pulsante ... per aprire il menu azioni, quindi clicca su Modifica codice .
Apri il file che desideri modificare.
Crea una nuova riga in fondo al file e aggiungi il codice seguente:
{% # theme-check-disable %}
{%- assign items_in_cart = cart | line_items_for : product | sum : 'quantity' -%}
{% # theme-check-enable %}
<div class="color-background-1 gradient">
data-id="{{ section . id }} "
action="{{ routes . cart_update_url }} "
class="quick-order-list__contents critical-hidden"
<div class="quick-order-list__container" id="main-variant-items">
<div class="js-contents">
<table class="quick-order-list__table">
<caption class="visually-hidden">
Quick Order List
<th class="caption-with-letter-spacing" scope="col">
{%- if product . has_only_default_variant -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
<th class="large-up-hide right caption-with-letter-spacing" scope="col">
{%- if product . has_only_default_variant -%}
Product subtotal
{%- else -%}
Variant total
{%- endif -%}
class="quick-order-list__table-heading--wide small-hide medium-hide caption-with-letter-spacing"
class="quick-order-list__table-heading--wide small-hide medium-hide caption-with-letter-spacing"
<th class="small-hide medium-hide right caption-with-letter-spacing" scope="col">
{%- if product . has_only_default_variant -%}
Product subtotal
{%- else -%}
Variant total
{%- endif -%}
{%- if product . has_only_default_variant -%}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
{% assign cart_qty = cart | item_count_for_variant : product . selected_or_first_available_variant . id %}
{% # theme-check-enable %}
id="Variant-{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . id }} "
data-variant-id="{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . id }} "
data-cart-qty="{{ cart_qty }} "
<td class="variant-item__inner">
<div class="variant-item__media">
<div class="variant-item__image-container gradient global-media-settings{% unless product . featured_media %} variant-item__image-container--no-img {% endunless %} ">
{% if product . featured_media %}
{%- assign img_height = 43 | divided_by : product . featured_media . aspect_ratio | ceil -%}
product . featured_media
| image_url : width : 86
| image_tag :
loading : 'lazy' ,
fetchpriority : 'low' ,
decoding : 'async' ,
class : 'variant-item__image' ,
width : 43 ,
height : img_height ,
widths : '86' ,
alt : product . featured_media . alt
| escape
{% endif %}
<div class="small-hide medium-hide">
<span class="variant-item__name h4 break">{{ product . title | escape }} </span>
{%- if product . sku -%}
<span class="variant-item__sku break">{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . sku | escape }} </span>
{%- endif -%}
<td class="variant-item__details large-up-hide">
<div class="variant-item__info">
<span class="variant-item__name h4 break">{{ variant . title | escape }} </span>
{%- if product . selected_or_first_available_variant . sku -%}
<span class="variant-item__sku break">{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . sku | escape }} </span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- assign item_price = product . selected_or_first_available_variant . price | money -%}
{%- if product . selected_or_first_available_variant . compare_at_price -%}
<dl class="variant-item__discounted-prices">
<dt class="visually-hidden">
Regular price
<s class="variant-item__old-price price price--end">
{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . compare_at_price | money }}
<dt class="visually-hidden">
Sale price
<dd class="price">
<span class="price">
{{ item_price }} /ea
{%- else -%}
<span class="price">
{{ item_price }} /ea
{%- endif -%}
{%- if product . selected_or_first_available_variant . available and product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price_measurement -%}
<div class="unit-price caption">
<span class="visually-hidden">Unit price</span>
{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price | money }}
<span aria-hidden="true">/</span>
<span class="visually-hidden"> per </span>
{%- if product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_value != 1 -%}
{{- product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_value -}}
{%- endif -%}
{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_unit }}
{%- endif -%}
<td class="variant-item__totals right large-up-hide">
{%- render 'loading-overlay' -%}
{% comment %} TODO: enable theme-check once `line_items_for` is accepted as valid filter {% endcomment %}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
<span class="price">{{ cart | line_items_for : product . selected_or_first_available_variant | sum : 'original_line_price' | money }} </span>
{% # theme-check-enable %}
<td class="variant-item__quantity">
<div class="variant-item__quantity-wrapper quantity-popover-wrapper variant-item__quantity-wrapper--no-info">
<label class="visually-hidden" for="Quantity-{{ variant . id }} ">
<div class="quantity-popover-container">
{%- if product . selected_or_first_available_variant . available == false -%}
<span class="variant-item__sold-out h4"> Sold out </span>
{%- else -%}
{% comment %} TODO: Remove theme check {% endcomment %}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
{% assign cart_qty = cart | item_count_for_variant : product . selected_or_first_available_variant . id %}
{% # theme-check-enable %}
{% render 'quantity-input' , variant : product . selected_or_first_available_variant %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if cart_qty > 0 -%}
id="Remove-{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . id }} "
data-index="{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . id }} "
href="{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . url_to_remove }} "
class="button button--tertiary"
aria-label="Remove {{ variant . title }} "
{% render 'icon-remove' %}
{%- endif -%}
class="variant-item__error large-up-hide"
id="Quick-order-list-item-error-mobile-{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . id }} "
<small class="variant-item__error-text"></small>
{% render 'icon-error' %}
{%- assign item_price = product . selected_or_first_available_variant . price | money -%}
<td class="variant-item__price small-hide medium-hide">
{%- if variant . compare_at_price -%}
<dl class="variant-item__discounted-prices">
<dt class="visually-hidden">
Regular price
<s class="variant-item__old-price price price--end">
{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . compare_at_price | money }}
<dt class="visually-hidden">
Sale price
<dd class="price">
<span class="price">
{{ item_price }} /ea
{%- else -%}
<span class="price">
{{ item_price }} /ea
{%- endif -%}
{%- if product . selected_or_first_available_variant . available and product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price_measurement -%}
<div class="unit-price caption">
<span class="visually-hidden">Unit price</span>
{{ variant . unit_price | money }}
<span aria-hidden="true">/</span>
<span class="visually-hidden"> per </span>
{%- if product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_value != 1 -%}
{{- product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_value -}}
{%- endif -%}
{{ product . selected_or_first_available_variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_unit }}
{%- endif -%}
<td class="variant-item__totals right small-hide medium-hide">
{%- render 'loading-overlay' -%}
{% comment %} TODO: enable theme-check once `line_items_for` is accepted as valid filter {% endcomment %}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
<span class="price">{{ cart | line_items_for : product . selected_or_first_available_variant | sum : 'original_line_price' | money }} </span>
{% # theme-check-enable %}
<tr class="small-hide medium-hide hidden desktop-row-error">
<div class="variant-item__error" id="Quick-order-list-item-error-desktop-{{ variant . id }} " role="alert">
<small class="variant-item__error-text"></small>
{% render 'icon-error' %}
{%- else -%}
{%- for variant in product . variants -%}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
{% assign cart_qty = cart | item_count_for_variant : variant . id %}
{% # theme-check-enable %}
id="Variant-{{ variant . id }} "
data-variant-id="{{ variant . id }} "
data-cart-qty="{{ cart_qty }} "
<td class="variant-item__inner">
<div class="variant-item__media">
<div class="variant-item__image-container gradient global-media-settings{% unless variant . image %} variant-item__image-container--no-img {% endunless %} ">
{% if variant . image %}
{%- assign img_height = 43 | divided_by : variant . image . aspect_ratio | ceil -%}
variant . image
| image_url : width : 86
| image_tag :
loading : 'lazy' ,
fetchpriority : 'low' ,
decoding : 'async' ,
class : 'variant-item__image' ,
width : 43 ,
height : img_height ,
widths : '86' ,
alt : variant . image . alt
| escape
{% endif %}
<div class="small-hide medium-hide">
<span class="variant-item__name h4 break">{{ variant . title | escape }} </span>
{%- if variant . sku -%}
<span class="variant-item__sku break">{{ variant . sku | escape }} </span>
{%- endif -%}
<td class="variant-item__details large-up-hide">
<div class="variant-item__info">
<span class="variant-item__name h4 break">{{ variant . title | escape }} </span>
{%- if variant . sku -%}
<span class="variant-item__sku break">{{ variant . sku | escape }} </span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- assign item_price = variant . price | money -%}
{%- if variant . compare_at_price -%}
<dl class="variant-item__discounted-prices">
<dt class="visually-hidden">
Regular price
<s class="variant-item__old-price price price--end">
{{ variant . compare_at_price | money }}
<dt class="visually-hidden">
Sale price
<dd class="price">
<span class="price">
{{ item_price }} /ea
{%- else -%}
<span class="price">
{{ item_price }} /ea
{%- endif -%}
{%- if variant . available and variant . unit_price_measurement -%}
<div class="unit-price caption">
<span class="visually-hidden">Unit price</span>
{{ variant . unit_price | money }}
<span aria-hidden="true">/</span>
<span class="visually-hidden"> per </span>
{%- if variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_value != 1 -%}
{{- variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_value -}}
{%- endif -%}
{{ variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_unit }}
{%- endif -%}
<td class="variant-item__totals right large-up-hide">
{%- render 'loading-overlay' -%}
{% comment %} TODO: enable theme-check once `line_items_for` is accepted as valid filter {% endcomment %}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
<span class="price">{{ cart | line_items_for : variant | sum : 'original_line_price' | money }} </span>
{% # theme-check-enable %}
<td class="variant-item__quantity">
<div class="variant-item__quantity-wrapper quantity-popover-wrapper variant-item__quantity-wrapper--no-info">
<label class="visually-hidden" for="Quantity-{{ variant . id }} ">
<div class="quantity-popover-container">
{%- if variant . available == false -%}
<span class="variant-item__sold-out h4">Sold out</span>
{%- else -%}
{% comment %} TODO: Remove theme check {% endcomment %}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
{% assign cart_qty = cart | item_count_for_variant : variant . id %}
{% # theme-check-enable %}
{% render 'quantity-input' , variant : variant %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if cart_qty > 0 -%}
id="Remove-{{ variant . id }} "
data-index="{{ variant . id }} "
href="{{ variant . url_to_remove }} "
class="button button--tertiary"
aria-label="Remove {{ variant . title }} "
{% render 'icon-remove' %}
{%- endif -%}
class="variant-item__error large-up-hide"
id="Quick-order-list-item-error-mobile-{{ variant . id }} "
<small class="variant-item__error-text"></small>
{% render 'icon-error' %}
{%- assign item_price = variant . price | money -%}
<td class="variant-item__price small-hide medium-hide">
{%- if variant . compare_at_price -%}
<dl class="variant-item__discounted-prices">
<dt class="visually-hidden">
Regular price
<s class="variant-item__old-price price price--end">
{{ variant . compare_at_price | money }}
<dt class="visually-hidden">
Sale price
<dd class="price">
<span class="price">
{{ item_price }} /ea
{%- else -%}
<span class="price">
{{ item_price }} /ea
{%- endif -%}
{%- if variant . available and variant . unit_price_measurement -%}
<div class="unit-price caption">
<span class="visually-hidden">Unit price</span>
{{ variant . unit_price | money }}
<span aria-hidden="true">/</span>
<span class="visually-hidden"> per </span>
{%- if variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_value != 1 -%}
{{- variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_value -}}
{%- endif -%}
{{ variant . unit_price_measurement . reference_unit }}
{%- endif -%}
<td class="variant-item__totals right small-hide medium-hide">
{%- render 'loading-overlay' -%}
{% comment %} TODO: enable theme-check once `line_items_for` is accepted as valid filter {% endcomment %}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
<span class="price">{{ cart | line_items_for : variant | sum : 'original_line_price' | money }} </span>
{% # theme-check-enable %}
<tr class="small-hide medium-hide hidden desktop-row-error">
<div class="variant-item__error" id="Quick-order-list-item-error-desktop-{{ variant . id }} " role="alert">
<small class="variant-item__error-text"></small>
{% render 'icon-error' %}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if product . has_only_default_variant or product . variants . size == 1 -%}
<button type="submit" class="button button--secondary right" formnovalidate form="QuickOrderList">
{%- endif -%}
<p class="visually-hidden" id="quick-order-list-live-region-text" aria-live="polite" role="status"></p>
{%- if product . has_only_default_variant or product . variants . size == 1 -%}
<span class="quick-order-list-error">
{% comment %} Populated by JS {% endcomment %}
{%- else -%}
<div class="quick-order-list__total gradient" id="quick-order-list-total">
<div class="quick-order-list-total__info">
<div class="quick-order-list-total__column small-hide medium-hide">
<div class="quick-order-list-buttons">
href="{{ routes . cart_url }} "
class="quick-order-list__button button button--secondary small-hide medium-hide"
<span class="quick-order-list__button-text">View cart</span>
<div class="variant-remove-total">
{%- render 'loading-overlay' -%}
<button class="button button--tertiary" type="button">
{% render 'icon-remove' %}
<span class="text-body">Remove all</span>
<span class="quick-order-list__message caption-large" role="status">
<span class="quick-order-list__message-icon hidden">{%- render 'icon-checkmark' -%} </span>
<span class="quick-order-list__message-text"></span>
<span class="quick-order-list-error">
{% comment %} Populated by JS {% endcomment %}
<div class="quick-order-list__total-items">
{{ items_in_cart }}
<p class="h5">Total items</p>
<div class="quick-order-list-total__price">
<button type="submit" class="button button--secondary" formnovalidate form="QuickOrderList">
<div class="totals__product-total">
<h3 class="totals__subtotal-value">
{% comment %} TODO: enable theme-check once `line_items_for` is accepted as valid filter {% endcomment %}
{% # theme-check-disable %}
{{ cart | line_items_for : product | sum : 'original_line_price' | money }}
{% # theme-check-enable %}
<p class="totals__subtotal h5">Product subtotal</p>
<small class="tax-note caption-large rte">
{%- if cart . taxes_included and shop . shipping_policy . body != blank -%}
Tax included. <a href="{{ shop . shipping_policy . url }} ">Shipping</a> and discounts calculated at checkout.
{%- elsif cart . taxes_included -%}
Tax included and shipping and discounts calculated at checkout
{%- elsif shop . shipping_policy . body != blank -%}
Taxes, Discounts and <a href="{{ shop . shipping_policy . url }} ">shipping</a> calculated at checkout
{%- else -%}
Taxes, discounts and shipping calculated at checkout
{%- endif -%}
<div class="quick-order-list-total__column large-up-hide">
<div class="quick-order-list-buttons">
href="{{ routes . cart_url }} "
class="quick-order-list__button button button--secondary button--full-width"
<span class="quick-order-list__button-text">View cart</span>
<div class="variant-remove-total">
{%- render 'loading-overlay' -%}
<button class="button button--tertiary" type="button">
{% render 'icon-remove' %}
<span class="text-body">Remove all</span>
<span class="quick-order-list__message caption-large" role="status">
<span class="quick-order-list__message-icon hidden">{%- render 'icon-checkmark' -%} </span>
<span class="quick-order-list__message-text"></span>
<span class="quick-order-list-error">
{% comment %} Populated by JS {% endcomment %}
<div class="quick-order-list-total__confirmation hidden">
<span class="text-body">
Remove all {{ items_in_cart }} items from your cart?
class="quick-order-list__button-confirm button button--secondary"
Remove all
class="quick-order-list__button-cancel button button--tertiary"
{%- endif -%}
<template id="QuickOrderListErrorTemplate-{{ section . id }} ">
{% render 'icon-error' %}
<span class="quick-order-list-error-message caption-large" role="alert"></span>
Clicca su Salva .
Aggiunta del codice Javascript dell'Elenco ordini rapido Quando la quantità del carrello di una variante cambia, il subtotale del prodotto, il subtotale della variante e il possibile stato di errore verranno aggiornati. I valori aggiornati possono essere recuperati utilizzando il codice Javascript.
Puoi aggiungere un codice al file theme.js
o equivalente.
Dal pannello di controllo Shopify, vai su Negozio online > Temi .
Trova il tema che desideri modificare, clicca sul pulsante ... per aprire il menu azioni, quindi clicca su Modifica codice .
Apri il file theme.js
Crea una nuova riga in fondo al file e aggiungi il codice seguente:
class QuickOrderListRemoveButton extends HTMLElement {
constructor () {
super ();
this . addEventListener ( ' click ' , ( event ) => {
event . preventDefault ();
const quickOrderList = this . closest ( ' quick-order-list ' );
quickOrderList . updateQuantity ( this . dataset . index , 0 );
customElements . define ( ' quick-order-list-remove-button ' , QuickOrderListRemoveButton );
class QuickOrderListRemoveAllButton extends HTMLElement {
constructor () {
super ();
const allVariants = Array . from ( document . querySelectorAll ( ' [data-variant-id] ' ));
const items = {}
let hasVariantsInCart = false ;
this . quickOrderList = this . closest ( ' quick-order-list ' );
allVariants . forEach (( variant ) => {
const cartQty = parseInt ( variant . dataset . cartQty );
if ( cartQty > 0 ) {
hasVariantsInCart = true ;
items [ parseInt ( variant . dataset . variantId )] = 0 ;
if ( ! hasVariantsInCart ) {
this . classList . add ( ' hidden ' );
this . actions = {
confirm : ' confirm ' ,
remove : ' remove ' ,
cancel : ' cancel '
this . addEventListener ( ' click ' , ( event ) => {
event . preventDefault ();
if ( this . dataset . action === this . actions . confirm ) {
this . toggleConfirmation ( false , true );
} else if ( this . dataset . action === this . actions . remove ) {
this . quickOrderList . updateMultipleQty ( items );
this . toggleConfirmation ( true , false );
} else if ( this . dataset . action === this . actions . cancel ) {
this . toggleConfirmation ( true , false );
toggleConfirmation ( showConfirmation , showInfo ) {
this . quickOrderList . querySelector ( ' .quick-order-list-total__confirmation ' ). classList . toggle ( ' hidden ' , showConfirmation );
this . quickOrderList . querySelector ( ' .quick-order-list-total__info ' ). classList . toggle ( ' hidden ' , showInfo )
customElements . define ( ' quick-order-list-remove-all-button ' , QuickOrderListRemoveAllButton );
class QuickOrderList extends HTMLElement {
constructor () {
super ();
this . cart = document . querySelector ( ' cart-drawer ' );
this . actions = {
add : ' ADD ' ,
update : ' UPDATE '
this . quickOrderListId = ' quick-order-list '
this . variantItemStatusElement = document . getElementById ( ' shopping-cart-variant-item-status ' );
const form = this . querySelector ( ' form ' );
form . addEventListener ( ' submit ' , this . onSubmit . bind ( this ));
const debouncedOnChange = debounce (( event ) => {
this . onChange ( event );
this . addEventListener ( ' change ' , debouncedOnChange . bind ( this ));
cartUpdateUnsubscriber = undefined ;
onSubmit ( event ) {
event . preventDefault ();
connectedCallback () {
this . cartUpdateUnsubscriber = subscribe ( PUB_SUB_EVENTS . cartUpdate , ( event ) => {
if ( event . source === this . quickOrderListId ) {
return ;
// If its another section that made the update
this . onCartUpdate ();
this . sectionId = this . dataset . id ;
disconnectedCallback () {
if ( this . cartUpdateUnsubscriber ) {
this . cartUpdateUnsubscriber ();
onChange ( event ) {
const inputValue = parseInt ( event . target . value );
const cartQuantity = parseInt ( event . target . dataset . cartQuantity );
const index = event . target . dataset . index ;
const name = document . activeElement . getAttribute ( ' name ' );
const quantity = inputValue - cartQuantity ;
if ( cartQuantity > 0 ) {
this . updateQuantity ( index , inputValue , name , this . actions . update );
} else {
this . updateQuantity ( index , quantity , name , this . actions . add );
onCartUpdate () {
fetch ( ` ${ window . location . pathname } ?section_id= ${ this . sectionId } ` )
. then (( response ) => response . text ())
. then (( responseText ) => {
const html = new DOMParser (). parseFromString ( responseText , ' text/html ' );
const sourceQty = html . querySelector ( this . quickOrderListId );
this . innerHTML = sourceQty . innerHTML ;
. catch ( e => {
console . error ( e );
getSectionsToRender () {
return [
id : this . quickOrderListId ,
section : document . getElementById ( this . quickOrderListId ). dataset . id ,
selector : ' .js-contents '
id : ' cart-icon-bubble ' ,
section : ' cart-icon-bubble ' ,
selector : ' .shopify-section '
id : ' quick-order-list-live-region-text ' ,
section : ' cart-live-region-text ' ,
selector : ' .shopify-section '
id : ' quick-order-list-total ' ,
section : document . getElementById ( this . quickOrderListId ). dataset . id ,
selector : ' .quick-order-list__total '
id : ' CartDrawer ' ,
selector : ' #CartDrawer ' ,
section : ' cart-drawer '
renderSections ( parsedState ) {
this . getSectionsToRender (). forEach (( section => {
const sectionElement = document . getElementById ( section . id );
if ( sectionElement && sectionElement . parentElement && sectionElement . parentElement . classList . contains ( ' drawer ' )) {
parsedState . items . length > 0 ? sectionElement . parentElement . classList . remove ( ' is-empty ' ) : sectionElement . parentElement . classList . add ( ' is-empty ' );
setTimeout (() => {
document . querySelector ( ' #CartDrawer-Overlay ' ). addEventListener ( ' click ' , this . cart . close . bind ( this . cart ));
const elementToReplace = sectionElement && sectionElement . querySelector ( section . selector ) ? sectionElement . querySelector ( section . selector ) : sectionElement ;
if ( elementToReplace ) {
elementToReplace . innerHTML =
this . getSectionInnerHTML ( parsedState . sections [ section . section ], section . selector );
updateMultipleQty ( items ) {
this . querySelector ( ' .variant-remove-total .loading-overlay ' ). classList . remove ( ' hidden ' );
const body = JSON . stringify ({
updates : items ,
sections : this . getSectionsToRender (). map (( section ) => section . section ),
sections_url : window . location . pathname
this . updateMessage ();
this . setErrorMessage ();
fetch ( ` ${ routes . cart_update_url } ` , { ... fetchConfig (), ...{ body } })
. then (( response ) => {
return response . text ();
. then (( state ) => {
const parsedState = JSON . parse ( state );
this . renderSections ( parsedState );
}). catch (() => {
this . setErrorMessage ( ' There was an error while updating your cart. Please try again. ' );
. finally (() => {
this . querySelector ( ' .variant-remove-total .loading-overlay ' ). classList . add ( ' hidden ' );
updateQuantity ( id , quantity , name , action ) {
this . toggleLoading ( id , true );
let routeUrl = routes . cart_change_url ;
let body = JSON . stringify ({
quantity ,
id ,
sections : this . getSectionsToRender (). map (( section ) => section . section ),
sections_url : window . location . pathname
let fetchConfigType ;
if ( action === this . actions . add ) {
fetchConfigType = ' javascript ' ;
routeUrl = routes . cart_add_url ;
body = JSON . stringify ({
items : [
quantity : parseInt ( quantity ),
id : parseInt ( id )
sections : this . getSectionsToRender (). map (( section ) => section . section ),
sections_url : window . location . pathname
this . updateMessage ();
this . setErrorMessage ();
fetch ( ` ${ routeUrl } ` , { ... fetchConfig ( fetchConfigType ), ...{ body } })
. then (( response ) => {
return response . text ();
. then (( state ) => {
const parsedState = JSON . parse ( state );
const quantityElement = document . getElementById ( `Quantity- ${ id } ` );
const items = document . querySelectorAll ( ' .variant-item ' );
if ( parsedState . description || parsedState . errors ) {
const variantItem = document . querySelector ( `[id^="Variant- ${ id } "] .variant-item__totals.small-hide .loading-overlay` );
variantItem . classList . add ( ' loading-overlay--error ' );
this . resetQuantityInput ( id , quantityElement );
if ( parsedState . errors ) {
this . updateLiveRegions ( id , parsedState . errors );
} else {
this . updateLiveRegions ( id , parsedState . description );
return ;
this . classList . toggle ( ' is-empty ' , parsedState . item_count === 0 );
this . renderSections ( parsedState );
let hasError = false ;
const currentItem = parsedState . items . find (( item ) => item . variant_id === parseInt ( id ));
const updatedValue = currentItem ? currentItem . quantity : undefined ;
if ( updatedValue && updatedValue !== quantity ) {
this . updateError ( updatedValue , id );
hasError = true ;
const variantItem = document . getElementById ( `Variant- ${ id } ` );
if ( variantItem && variantItem . querySelector ( `[name=" ${ name } "]` )) {
variantItem . querySelector ( `[name=" ${ name } "]` ). focus ();
publish ( PUB_SUB_EVENTS . cartUpdate , { source : this . quickOrderListId , cartData : parsedState });
if ( hasError ) {
this . updateMessage ();
} else if ( action === this . actions . add ) {
this . updateMessage ( parseInt ( quantity ))
} else if ( action === this . actions . update ) {
this . updateMessage ( parseInt ( quantity - quantityElement . dataset . cartQuantity ))
} else {
this . updateMessage ( - parseInt ( quantityElement . dataset . cartQuantity ))
}). catch (( error ) => {
this . querySelectorAll ( ' .loading-overlay ' ). forEach (( overlay ) => overlay . classList . add ( ' hidden ' ));
this . resetQuantityInput ( id );
console . error ( error );
this . setErrorMessage ( ' There was an error while updating your cart. Please try again. ' );
. finally (() => {
this . toggleLoading ( id );
resetQuantityInput ( id , quantityElement ) {
const input = quantityElement ?? document . getElementById ( `Quantity- ${ id } ` );
input . value = input . getAttribute ( ' value ' );
setErrorMessage ( message = null ) {
this . errorMessageTemplate = this . errorMessageTemplate ?? document . getElementById ( `QuickOrderListErrorTemplate- ${ this . sectionId } ` ). cloneNode ( true );
const errorElements = document . querySelectorAll ( ' .quick-order-list-error ' );
errorElements . forEach (( errorElement ) => {
errorElement . innerHTML = '' ;
if ( ! message ) return ;
const updatedMessageElement = this . errorMessageTemplate . cloneNode ( true );
updatedMessageElement . content . querySelector ( ' .quick-order-list-error-message ' ). innerText = message ;
errorElement . appendChild ( updatedMessageElement . content );
updateMessage ( quantity = null ) {
const messages = this . querySelectorAll ( ' .quick-order-list__message-text ' );
const icons = this . querySelectorAll ( ' .quick-order-list__message-icon ' );
if ( quantity === null || isNaN ( quantity )) {
messages . forEach ( message => message . innerHTML = '' );
icons . forEach ( icon => icon . classList . add ( ' hidden ' ));
return ;
const isQuantityNegative = quantity < 0 ;
const absQuantity = Math . abs ( quantity );
const textTemplate = isQuantityNegative
? ( absQuantity === 1 ? ` ${ absQuantity } item removed` : ` ${ absQuantity } items removed` )
: ( quantity === 1 ? ` ${ absQuantity } item added` : ` ${ absQuantity } items added` )
messages . forEach (( msg ) => msg . innerHTML = textTemplate );
if ( ! isQuantityNegative ) {
icons . forEach (( i ) => i . classList . remove ( ' hidden ' ));
updateError ( updatedValue , id ) {
let message = '' ;
if ( typeof updatedValue === ' undefined ' ) {
message = ' There was an error while updating your cart. Please try again. ' ;
} else {
message = `You can only add ${ updatedValue } of this item to your cart.` ;
this . updateLiveRegions ( id , message );
updateLiveRegions ( id , message ) {
const variantItemErrorDesktop = document . getElementById ( `Quick-order-list-item-error-desktop- ${ id } ` );
const variantItemErrorMobile = document . getElementById ( `Quick-order-list-item-error-mobile- ${ id } ` );
if ( variantItemErrorDesktop ) {
variantItemErrorDesktop . querySelector ( ' .variant-item__error-text ' ). innerHTML = message ;
variantItemErrorDesktop . closest ( ' tr ' ). classList . remove ( ' hidden ' );
if ( variantItemErrorMobile ) variantItemErrorMobile . querySelector ( ' .variant-item__error-text ' ). innerHTML = message ;
this . variantItemStatusElement . setAttribute ( ' aria-hidden ' , true );
const cartStatus = document . getElementById ( ' quick-order-list-live-region-text ' );
cartStatus . setAttribute ( ' aria-hidden ' , false );
setTimeout (() => {
cartStatus . setAttribute ( ' aria-hidden ' , true );
}, 1000 );
getSectionInnerHTML ( html , selector ) {
return new DOMParser ()
. parseFromString ( html , ' text/html ' )
. querySelector ( selector ). innerHTML ;
toggleLoading ( id , enable ) {
const quickOrderList = document . getElementById ( this . quickOrderListId );
const quickOrderListItems = this . querySelectorAll ( `#Variant- ${ id } .loading-overlay` );
if ( enable ) {
quickOrderList . classList . add ( ' quick-order-list__container--disabled ' );
[... quickOrderListItems ]. forEach (( overlay ) => overlay . classList . remove ( ' hidden ' ));
document . activeElement . blur ();
this . variantItemStatusElement . setAttribute ( ' aria-hidden ' , false );
} else {
quickOrderList . classList . remove ( ' quick-order-list__container--disabled ' );
quickOrderListItems . forEach (( overlay ) => overlay . classList . add ( ' hidden ' ));
customElements . define ( ' quick-order-list ' , QuickOrderList );
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